shield r8 str -2ench -2stance oldschool defender
have a max gold -2 -2 r8 str defender thats -2 hits while enchanted and -2 while in stance i see 11's going for 500k so just courios what this is worth or i may entertain offers.
Matrix Arcade
50e sounds low to me
200e+ but the market isnt good for these atm
Neither 50 or 200, i would go on 140-160e.
He said "+50" which would be 74e ......
I do not see how a r8 shield is going to hit 200e when there are r7 -2 -2 shields not going over 150e right now (should be 200e+ for any but not moving)
I would say the "+50" would be closer to correct but a bit low, if it was a more popular or rare shield (like a r8 eternal would go 150e+) then perhaps.... 100k 60-70e+ imo
and I have not seen any r11's hit 500k.... I sold my r11 shadow awhile back for 100k 40e.. that would be 260k
I do not see how a r8 shield is going to hit 200e when there are r7 -2 -2 shields not going over 150e right now (should be 200e+ for any but not moving)
I would say the "+50" would be closer to correct but a bit low, if it was a more popular or rare shield (like a r8 eternal would go 150e+) then perhaps.... 100k 60-70e+ imo
and I have not seen any r11's hit 500k.... I sold my r11 shadow awhile back for 100k 40e.. that would be 260k