Lockpick Special Weekend not quite so Special?
Hmm,as everyone has already said,doesn't really worth the farming...However,it's a great weekend event for people going for lucky/unlucky titles...
I ran 1,500 chests during the weekend,gained about 528k lucky points,and 145k unlucky points.
I ran 1,500 chests during the weekend,gained about 528k lucky points,and 145k unlucky points.
I got one lockpick all the time I played this weekend. Oh I also got a key on Cantha noob island. Woopie. lol. I get more picks when I farm/do HM on normal weekends/days.
*boggle* May I ask where you were running and how long it took? I ran chests out of Boreal for 12 straight hours yesterday and got maybe a bit north of 300. My ears are still ringing from the whooshy, buglely sounds of the running stances. My total for the weekend was around 150k lucky points, which was just enough to get me to rank 5.
6 picks 5 hours
*boggle* May I ask where you were running and how long it took? I ran chests out of Boreal for 12 straight hours yesterday and got maybe a bit north of 300. My ears are still ringing from the whooshy, buglely sounds of the running stances. My total for the weekend was around 150k lucky points, which was just enough to get me to rank 5.

I had 3 Obsidian keys drop in a solo FoW beach/spider run. I'm getting a key almost every run. I'm after Shards though, so I'm just opening the chests for free basically. The lag is quite bad.
Lockpicks have a low drop rate, even tripled. The doubled Lucky/Unlucky points are a better goal if you are at all interested in those titles. |
Pure. Win.
Lawrence Chang
im getting around 2-5 picks an hour u just got bad luck
*boggle* May I ask where you were running and how long it took? I ran chests out of Boreal for 12 straight hours yesterday and got maybe a bit north of 300. My ears are still ringing from the whooshy, buglely sounds of the running stances. My total for the weekend was around 150k lucky points, which was just enough to get me to rank 5.
I ran 1309 for ~479k lucky and ~114k unlucky over the course of around 30 hours this weekend. I recorded everything and I'm thinking that guys math is a little wonky. If you want a great spot come down to Port Sledge and run Witman's Folly. 2-3 minutes for 3 chests every time, Boreal can't even touch it. Besides, you know it's good if it attracts an unusual amount of bot attention...I'm looking at you monks who lock to the sign post and merch
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1,501 chests
437 lockpicks broke
1,064 retained
with 68% retaintion rate,was getting 340 points every time a lockpick broke...Ran mostly in NM,but did about 30chests in HM as well...
Mr. Undisclosed
Who thought it'd be a great idea to recreate this thread every time this event came around?
nanase ren
I got less lockpick then anything i managed less then 1 an hour
I got 2 from a vanquish...but I was too busy this weekend. I wanted to run a lot more than I did, so I could get my lucky and unlucky up. But I just didn't have time really. I ended up getting only 40k lucky points and 10k unlucky points. Not that great. I still have enough lockpicks left to get about 30k unlucky points (which would have been near 60k) and 50k or so lucky points, maybe more. Which could have been 100k or so.
I did have another 12 retain in a row though, that was fun. 29 chests opened with 7 lockpicks, my record, can't ever get below.
I did have another 12 retain in a row though, that was fun. 29 chests opened with 7 lockpicks, my record, can't ever get below.
Gyala Hatchery,you can get 3-5 chests in 3mins
Well,I dont see why my math is wonky... 1,501 chests 437 lockpicks broke 1,064 retained with 68% retaintion rate,was getting 340 points every time a lockpick broke...Ran mostly in NM,but did about 30chests in HM as well... |
Mad King Corn
It's laughable!
I did not get 1 lockpick or key, but then again I was not farming for them, but simply playing the game.
As others have said, the drop rate is so ridiculously low, that even tripled, there is not much of an increase. It's kind of sad really, I wish the drop rate was a bit better on these, even if they kept the current increase, don't seem like it would hurt the economy any.
I did not get 1 lockpick or key, but then again I was not farming for them, but simply playing the game.
As others have said, the drop rate is so ridiculously low, that even tripled, there is not much of an increase. It's kind of sad really, I wish the drop rate was a bit better on these, even if they kept the current increase, don't seem like it would hurt the economy any.
Aussie Boy
Funny now it's over and i'm farming for nic and I get 4 lockpicks in 2 runs
just getting the 10 Quetzal Crests needed. O.o
just getting the 10 Quetzal Crests needed. O.o
WOW I for one had a BLAST.
I took a Different route than the rest of you. I took my gold and BOUGHT lockpicks. Why in the world would you try and farm Lockpicks when you get DOUBLE the Un/Lucky points?
I think that you guys are nuts. So what you get 3X more chance is just junk. You would need to kill 50 Snow Wurms outside of Boreal Station for 1 lockpick in Hard mode. That's 5 runs for 1 pick at 3 minutes a run! So that is 15 minutes = 1 pick.
You can do what I did. I bought myself 380 Lockpicks and ran to Killroy's Boxing!
I got a chest a run 99% of the time (1% of the time the stupid chest was in the wall and I could not get to it) and got myself 414 Unlucky points for Breaking the pick and 500 Points for Keeping the pick! .
I managed to get over 200,000 Lucky and almost 60,000 Unlucky!!!
WHAT A RUSH. Had I been able to play for 6 more hours I would have gotten Lvl 6 of Unlucky!
I do believe this was the way the Lucky weekend was to be approached. I sure hope that they consider doing this again sometime in the near future.
I took a Different route than the rest of you. I took my gold and BOUGHT lockpicks. Why in the world would you try and farm Lockpicks when you get DOUBLE the Un/Lucky points?
I think that you guys are nuts. So what you get 3X more chance is just junk. You would need to kill 50 Snow Wurms outside of Boreal Station for 1 lockpick in Hard mode. That's 5 runs for 1 pick at 3 minutes a run! So that is 15 minutes = 1 pick.
You can do what I did. I bought myself 380 Lockpicks and ran to Killroy's Boxing!
I got a chest a run 99% of the time (1% of the time the stupid chest was in the wall and I could not get to it) and got myself 414 Unlucky points for Breaking the pick and 500 Points for Keeping the pick! .
I managed to get over 200,000 Lucky and almost 60,000 Unlucky!!!
WHAT A RUSH. Had I been able to play for 6 more hours I would have gotten Lvl 6 of Unlucky!
I do believe this was the way the Lucky weekend was to be approached. I sure hope that they consider doing this again sometime in the near future.
12 hours, 4 lock picks.
8 lockpicks (no addl picks dropped Sunday, over ~1 hour farming):
86 chests opened (37 picks broken):
24,500 lucky points
9,436 unlucky points
86 chests opened (37 picks broken):
24,500 lucky points
9,436 unlucky points
I got 15 lockpicks or so, just messing around, bit of raptor farming, bit of feather farming, rest fell in hardmode while I was questing and grinding for points in Asura lands. Weekend like this is just a small bonus for what you are doing already.
Much like I post in every one of these threads;
3 x 0 = 0.
3 x 0 = 0.
Not The One
3 picks all weekend........which is 3 more than i usually get so GG.
Ryssul Sylverhart
I got jackshit this weekend. No keys, no locks, and ultimately, no points.
I did get a WHOLE lotta purple dyes though for some reason. Like, they were just dropping left and right as I was replaying a new char through Istan--no other color but just purple every time I stepped outside. Maybe my game had it confused and thought it was Dye Drop Special Weekend, instead.
I did get a WHOLE lotta purple dyes though for some reason. Like, they were just dropping left and right as I was replaying a new char through Istan--no other color but just purple every time I stepped outside. Maybe my game had it confused and thought it was Dye Drop Special Weekend, instead.
ok, so i think everyone now knows that 3 x 0 = 0%.
the whole point is...
why even bother putting lockpicks on the weekend title? why not just leave it at Lucky/Unlucky?
saying that lockpicks will drop more often and giving it a big hurrah at login is misleading, especially if you dont know that the above math equation exists for lockpicks. people should have been running chests instead of wasting time farming picks (ie: myself) and i feel like i was lead down the golden path only to find it was a dead end. the double whammy of losing out on gaining Lucky/Unlucky points because i was ineffectually farming lockpicks leaves this already fraudulent weekend with a very lingering sour aftertaste.
the whole point is...
why even bother putting lockpicks on the weekend title? why not just leave it at Lucky/Unlucky?
saying that lockpicks will drop more often and giving it a big hurrah at login is misleading, especially if you dont know that the above math equation exists for lockpicks. people should have been running chests instead of wasting time farming picks (ie: myself) and i feel like i was lead down the golden path only to find it was a dead end. the double whammy of losing out on gaining Lucky/Unlucky points because i was ineffectually farming lockpicks leaves this already fraudulent weekend with a very lingering sour aftertaste.
Qing Guang
I got jackshit this weekend. No keys, no locks, and ultimately, no points.
I did get a WHOLE lotta purple dyes though for some reason. Like, they were just dropping left and right as I was replaying a new char through Istan--no other color but just purple every time I stepped outside. Maybe my game had it confused and thought it was Dye Drop Special Weekend, instead. |
And I think the trick with these weekends is not to try to farm lockpicks. That way, it's more of a pleasant surprise while you do something else - "Oh, look, a pick, that's the second one today" instead of "Well finally, that makes 2 picks in 6 hours." You get a lot more done that way, too.
Yama Sutra
Got 2 lockpics over the whole weekend .......waste of time ....

I'm curious to know if you got anything worth while from the chests?
Chest running doesn't really earn you much money, you can score, but if you're chest running you shouldn't be doing it for cash. If you run Gyala (or anywhere but Gyala is easiest) in HM, you can get Elite tomes and those sell for decent, but still meh.
If you're going for lucky or unlucky points, or fast CRIng for TH title, then you do normal mode 600g chests, Gyala or Witman's are my favorite. I always run Witmans because it's low risk really, and you have a fairly good chance of superior vigors and major vigors which..actually can net you some cash even if I'm not attempting to get cash. 7-11 picks and I can open 29 chests, takes 40 minutes about..netted me 10k lucky points and close to 3k unlucky points almost each time. 40 minutes isn't a fast time either, I was distracted..probably can be done a lot faster. It's a 2-3 min run for 3 chests.
Some say that dye drops are far more frequent in pre-ascalon and old ascalon. While I can't say I know it to be true, I have gotten dye drops at a far higher rate there than anywhere else across all three continents.
Maybe lockpicks are the same. To get them, perhaps some areas are more particularly prone to drop them than others. So it stands to reason that you might have had the bad fortune to be farming in an area in which the lockpick drop rates are exceptionally lower.
Maybe lockpicks are the same. To get them, perhaps some areas are more particularly prone to drop them than others. So it stands to reason that you might have had the bad fortune to be farming in an area in which the lockpick drop rates are exceptionally lower.
lol, I had more drop in one run last night, then the whole weekend!
I've been getting a ton of dye drops lately, like for the past month or two. Nothing big, but seems that I would get at least one dye a day in a couple hours of play. Personally I think they improved the drop rate when no one was looking.
And I think the trick with these weekends is not to try to farm lockpicks. That way, it's more of a pleasant surprise while you do something else - "Oh, look, a pick, that's the second one today" instead of "Well finally, that makes 2 picks in 6 hours." You get a lot more done that way, too. |
Went questing with a new girl in NF (beginner island, of course) and got 3 Istani keys in short order. She saw *one* chest the entire weekend, however.
Spent far more time on an older girl in higher areas. Wasn't farming, per se, but rather a dab of vanq'ing and helping a couple of Alliance members map and such. No lockpick or key drops, lockpick broke every single time and nothing of a golden hue dropped out of the chest.
To those of you who have great luck with such things (beyond the "lucky" title
), good going. For the rest of us who are, I suspect, in the vast majority, triple nothing is still nothing.
Spent far more time on an older girl in higher areas. Wasn't farming, per se, but rather a dab of vanq'ing and helping a couple of Alliance members map and such. No lockpick or key drops, lockpick broke every single time and nothing of a golden hue dropped out of the chest.
To those of you who have great luck with such things (beyond the "lucky" title

Cool Down
got nothing.... waste of time.. even did some serious raptor farm
had 4 drop since the weekend, and none on the weekend, with a smiliar amount of play time.
On doing NM missions I netted about 10 total, 7 lockpicks and 3 keys, my wife was doing the same and got 3 lockpicks, oddly enough, we both got a black dye each though.