What I am, is someone who is extremely devout to Guild Wars; a GvG experienced adult, with a wicked sense of humor, a nearly extreme knowledge of the game, and a kick-ass attitude. My special classes are Mesmer, Monk and Ritualist.
However, I am not someone who knows all the answers. I am not someone who has played around in a +r250 guild. I am not someone who has high ranking PvP titles.
I am just looking for a GvG team that doesn't have a lot of politics or drama following it; who are seeking glory, victory and bootie (Arr!).
If you have need for a fellow like me: I keep my mouth shut, keep my head down, use my input when necessary, benefit your team (both on and off the field), and devote my seemingly endless amount of time in-game to the team, and whatever else you could possibly make use of me.
Whisper me in-game @ A Crimson Spirit. I am looking forward to hearing from at least someone!
Safe Journeys.
Western Player Looking For GvG