Hello, before I even get started this is what our guild does not want:
UWSC, FoWSC, or anything of a speed clearing nature. If you're idea of a team setup is just necros and / or assassins. While I understand that some people enjoy doing that (god only knows why..) if that is the main activities or draw of your alliance then don't read any further.
Oh, and we don't like immaturity, drama or any of that bullshit. We don't tolerate excessive vulgarity but understand every now and then it can be cathartic.
Our guild is fairly new (06/15/09) but consists of a core group of players who have known and played with eachother for years. Being a smaller guild we don't use vent but instead Skype for most guild functions, however it's not hard to download.
What we bring to the table:
Knowledge of dungeons and elite areas and how to get through them without gimmicks, tanks, or any fanatical things like cons, with team set ups that can incorporate any profession (with in reason of course, although eight dervishes would be a laugh.)
Several legendary guardians are in the guild and don't mind lending a hand getting through those tougher hm missions.
Pick-a-Number nights: we reach into the books, find an empty page, and fill it. Usually dungeons, but with mission books as well. Current favourites are: Frostmaw's Burrows, Arachni's Haunt and Oola's Lab.
And an encyclopedic knowledge of Blazing Saddles, The Simpsons, and Futurama.
Oh, and we like to have fun. So if you like to have fun, pm me either on guru or ingame @ Lunchbox October.
The Unsound Souls [Soul] looking for Kurzick Aliiance