Hello, I am currently running my game in a very small window just to keep it below 60 degrees C. If i do full screen it will end up pausing repeatedly and messing up everything.
this is a new NVidia GTX 275, it has a limit of 100C and plays WoW at 65C full screen, high settings without a hickup.
GW plays for a few minutes then there is a lag and the imagery starts messing up all over the place. I have a monitor on my Graphics Card temp and everytime it gets to the 60C it starts to go whacky.
Any suggestions? Only game I notice this on is GW
Btw i have tried several driver version for the card. The most recent to several versions back.. still the same
If the windows is small enough it keeps the temp below 60c and seems to be playable for extended time. (talking 800x600 window in my full hd view)
Other then that i can go for about 5 minutes on full screen before it all goes crazy. The computer does not crash, just the graphics inside GW along with noticeable pauses.
Game playable till my graphics card gets to 60C
I would recommend giving Rivatuner a try. Many NVidia drivers have notoriously "locked" the fan speed at ~40% (with Auto Fan Control) and seem to have a high range before it spools up the fan to a higher speed. With Rivatuner, you can set your fan to run at different speeds based on different temperature thresholds that you set.
let me guess ur using windows vista
the drivers on my computer do the same thing
i have tuned it with rivatuner
still does it from time to time
the drivers on my computer do the same thing
i have tuned it with rivatuner
still does it from time to time
Elder III
GW is temp. sensitive but it should allow you to go above the 60 degree threshold easily. I generally am above that temp with GW and it hasn't ever crashed on me due to heat...