I was wondering the best way to level a Mesmer/ele and a warrior/monk in pre-searing to at least level... ahh say 12? whats the easiest way to level in pre- searing and best drops are dye right? Those are my 2 questions.
P.S. i have one character slot left so i need to also decide whether to make a warrior/monk or a Mesmer/ele just a mage build and a simple warrior. Please help me decide which to use for a new char. Im kinda new at guild wars and only ahave a lvl14 r/n but i want a secondary pre-searing char.
Please reply soon i would like to make my new char fairly soon. =D
Pre-searing Question.
Mach, http://www.presearing.com/ has tons of helpful info about these questions and much else. Yes, dyes, blacks, whites, reds; save those.
As to your characters, I would go Me/Mo if you want a mesmer, Ele/Me rather than Me/Ele, though; you've got a lot more options with the Ele primary.
W/Mo works too, sure does.
As to your characters, I would go Me/Mo if you want a mesmer, Ele/Me rather than Me/Ele, though; you've got a lot more options with the Ele primary.
W/Mo works too, sure does.
easiest way is to have a higher level power level u in the northlands
lots will do this if ur willing to give them ur drops
some will do it just to be nice
check out ascalon america district 2 and tellem wolf of the element sent ya :P
lots will do this if ur willing to give them ur drops
some will do it just to be nice
check out ascalon america district 2 and tellem wolf of the element sent ya :P
actually all of you suggestionare really good options.
a mes/ele has fast cast nuking options, go in pre but hard to play and harder to group with in post
w/mo has good survivabilty in pre and post
ele has a lot of energy for a lot of nuking spells and will do better then a mes in post.
for a prema-pre a w/r will work good
for drops: the catacombs are good for lower levels, northlands for higher levels.
if you don't want to get power leveled go into the northlands and just hunt the plants, if you brought a friends you can go after charr.
I don't hunt charr much but if you see me, Gadwin Dragonhart, I'll take you with me.
a mes/ele has fast cast nuking options, go in pre but hard to play and harder to group with in post
w/mo has good survivabilty in pre and post
ele has a lot of energy for a lot of nuking spells and will do better then a mes in post.
for a prema-pre a w/r will work good
for drops: the catacombs are good for lower levels, northlands for higher levels.
if you don't want to get power leveled go into the northlands and just hunt the plants, if you brought a friends you can go after charr.
I don't hunt charr much but if you see me, Gadwin Dragonhart, I'll take you with me.
Marty Silverblade