HM Kilroy's Punchout Extravaganza


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2009



Well I made a Monk which was going for LS, managed to get to Gunnar's with 0 deaths and started doing Kilroy's HM (which was easy and not too grinding IMO), but at the 530k exp mark, I was disconnected and came back to find myself in Gunnar's with 1 death, I wouldn't have minded as much if I didn't log back in to find the other two people in my Guild offline then just logging back in saying "Did you just DC too or was it just me?", so GW Servers 1 - 0 Me. So that was 11 hours wasted. Now my question is: What are the best scrolls to use in HM given the efficiency to cost ratio, I was using the 50% scrolls and making some cash, but if I could use Lightbringers or something and finish getting LS hours faster then I'm thinking I could probably make up the lost cash by farming Feathers in the time it took me to get LS using the 50% scrolls. Any help is appreciated.

Also some figures would be nice, example: Exp per hour with Lightbringers, I can finish a run in usually 11-12 minutes, sometimes 10.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008


Just use the golden scrolls, you get the money back just doing the tournament.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2008


[AKA] Guild Leader


If this happened yesterday, then lag got me too.

While attempting to remove a rune from Livia's chest I got D/C and came back on tried again...the same thing, D/C. When I logged again I found that my character had no top/raiment. Not salvaged, just gone (Survivor Seitung Raiment of Superior Vigor). It was on my Rit and worth about 36k just for the top. I had to replace it, costing another 38k.

Although Seitung is regular armor, it is very expensive because of the 12 Monster Claws needed just for the armor top.

Anyway, just letting you know that recent D/C's cost everyone.




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009


Affliction Of Embers [AoE]


Gotta love GW servers right? I stopped going for survivor on characters for this reason, every time I get to R2 or close to it some dumb ass bs happens and the servers DC me or lag me out. Until they fix the issues with servers dropping whole batches of users I'm calling this title "fail".


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2009



Originally Posted by Schmerdro View Post
If that's all you want then read the unofficial wiki: Survivor title guide - Kilroy Punch-out. Thanks alot, judging by that I'd say its worth using Lightbringers as you can use the extra time to farm to gain the cash back + more.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2006




Originally Posted by Enolena Sedai
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If this happened yesterday, then lag got me too.

While attempting to remove a rune from Livia's chest I got D/C and came back on tried again...the same thing, D/C. When I logged again I found that my character had no top/raiment. Not salvaged, just gone (Survivor Seitung Raiment of Superior Vigor). It was on my Rit and worth about 36k just for the top. I had to replace it, costing another 38k.

Although Seitung is regular armor, it is very expensive because of the 12 Monster Claws needed just for the armor top.

Anyway, just letting you know that recent D/C's cost everyone.

/unhijacked second that, have been dced 3 times near the end of vanquishes this week

arenanet, i think alot of people may be with me when i say that right now sealed deck can wait another month, Just fix the server problems... PLEASE!


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006



If you do it in HM with the highest xp bonus a blue scroll gets (rampagers insight - 2x experience gain) you're looking at about 10-15 hours /age where you reach LS.