Birthday Presents



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Osh's Beer Garden.

Square Disc [SDC]


I've recently reinstalled Guild Wars after a long period without playing it, and have made a tally of the birthday presents I've collected across my nine characters. My dilemma is now whether to unpack them or not. Would it be better to take my chances or to sell them unopened? I'm leaning towards opening them myself, since I don't even know if I want to bother to sell them anyway, opened or not. My current swag consists of: 3 First-Year birthday presents, 9 Second-Year presents and 5 from Third-Year.

On a side-note, it's good to see that Varesh's price has finally picked up somewhat, and that the Kuunavang is inflating nicely. A shame I sold most of them back in the day.

Any input will be very much appreciated.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2005

This is just me, but if I see a chest or a present. (something that can be opend) then I NEED to open it. If you Deside to keep them and Got EotN then dedicate them for Gw2.


Mr. Undisclosed

Mr. Undisclosed

I phail

Join Date: Mar 2007



Bought a few presents from someone selling 1st years for 3k, 2nd years for 10k, and 3rd for 15k or something like that.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Osh's Beer Garden.

Square Disc [SDC]


Decided to open them after all, here are the results:

3 First-Year: Fungal Wallow, Hydra and Necrid Horseman
9 Second-Year: Gwen, 2x Elf, 2x Wind Rider, Juggernaut, Thorn Wolf, Harpy Ranger, Hecket Warrior
5 Third-Year: Freezie, Nornbear, Cloudtouched Simian, Irukandji and Roaring Ether

One green, 4 purple and 12 White on 17 presents, seems like I got lucky with my Gwen but not much else.

Total Lockdown

Total Lockdown

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006


Freelance Soldiers [Solo]


Fungal Wallow 1K
Hydra 1K
Necrid Horseman 1K
Gwen 70-100k
Elf 5-10K
Wind Rider 3-5K
Juggernaut 3-5K
Thorn Wolf 3-5K
Harpy Ranger 3-5K
Hecket Warrior 3-5K
Freezie 10-20K
Nornbear 10-20K
Cloudtouched Simian 10-15K
Irukandji 10-15K
Roaring Ether 10-15K