Originally Posted by mastar of warrior
im not entirely sure how too configure Your-freedom abd Sockscap..
so if anyone could give me some help 
so i assume they use a proxy server?
i guess u have a login for the network at school of somesort.
what u do with your-freedom is create a login at there site, and then run the wizard. it asks of the login of your schoolnetwork (if u have them), fill them in, then t checks if the setting are allright.
after that it searches for availeble server(your-freedom servers) that they can connect to(so that the proxyserver at school thinks your browsing the internet) the only real problem is that u must know the correct tcp/ip port that the proxy server uses. at mine school it was port 8080. if u know this then there is no problem. u must fill this in somewhere in the wizard.
after that it must me allright.
if u press connect then u will see a picture of a door that is open and that means that the connection is alright^^
this is a picture of the door:
sockscap is much easier, after your-freedom works fine, u start sockscap, go to the settings and set the socks server to localhost. that way it will use ure laptop as server. then u choose the attempt local then remote option.
i dont know if u must check the checkbox for the username/password but u can just see if 1 works. here a picture:
if the settings are done u must add the gw.exe to the shortcuts in sockscap, so sockscap runs GW and then u must be able to play ^^
if all this doesn't work, then i really dont know how to play GW at your school... but i hope u will be able to play
otherwise ask the WOW guy how he does it