q10 Echovald sheild tactics
single moded +30hp
PC on echovald shield
Vezychii Neydachnik
does it insc able?
Vezychii Neydachnik
not inscr and single moded
echovald shields do not come in inscription version
and that one I'd say you might get 50k or so just because of their popularity - otherwise single mod shields are crap
and that one I'd say you might get 50k or so just because of their popularity - otherwise single mod shields are crap
Total Lockdown
IMO I was going to ask 40-50K...Stuey ur faster than I am lol
Vezychii Neydachnik
ok ty and other quastion is perfect q9 250e++?
Matrix Arcade
Depends what you see as perfect.. +30 +10vs would go far over 250e (imo), a r9 str +30 -2/stance/3hex would also go over that. I think a r9 +30 -2/ench tac is currently up for like a stack. Prices of non-ins shields vary a great deal due to very small changes in the stats. Mainly cause most of these perfect low-req's are one of a kinds.
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