PC On 5 q9's

Xenedin K

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2009


Hey all, it'd be helpful for me if i could get a few PC on some q9 items i've picked up, thanks

Q9 'Fire wand' Inscribable
Q9 'Ebon Sickle' Inscribable (Double Edged Axe)
Q9 'Air Staff' Inscibable (Metal)
Q9 Resto 'Writhing Focus' Inscribable
Q9 'Colossul Scimitar' Inscribable
Q9 Insperation 'Dragon Spire Staff' Inscribable
Q9 Command 'Iredicent Aegis' Inscribable +16 ar
Q10 Divine Favour 'Platinum Wand' Inscribable

EDIT: Added 3 news weapons i need a PC on
EDIT2: Fixed a typo and added some information.

~Xenedin K

Xenedin K

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2009


*BUMP* Thanks ^^

~Xenedin K

Xenedin K

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2009



~Xenedin K

Xenedin K

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2009


*BUMP* Mainly looking for the price of the Scimi

~Xenedin K

Xenedin K

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2009



~Xenedin K

Xenedin K

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2009



~Xenedin K



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009

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You can get around 15-25k for the scimi, theyre a pretty wanted skin too.

On the rest, not sure.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2009




Originally Posted by Xenedin K View Post
Hey all, it'd be helpful for me if i could get a few PC on some q9 items i've picked up, thanks

[1]Q9 'Fire ward' Inscribable
[2]Q9 'Ebon Sickle' Inscribable
[3]Q9 'Air Staff' Inscibable
[4]Q9 Resto 'Writhing Focus' Inscribable
[5]Q9 'Colossul Scimitar' Inscribable
[6]Q9 Insperation 'Dragon Spire Staff' Inscribable
[7]Q9 Command 'Iredicent Aegis' Inscribable +16 ar
[8]Q10 Divine Favour 'Platinum Wand' Inscribable

EDIT: Added 3 news weapons i need a PC on

~Xenedin K

[1] Going to assume you meant "Fire Wand" - whether blue, purple, or gold, these are a common skin, and can even be gotten from collectors. I'd say ~1.5K
[2] This one depends on the skin - the old-school crescent or the double-axe. I can't say how much unless I know - sorry.
[3] This one is similar to the second - can't say unless the skin is known. (Refer to: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Air_Staff.)
[4] This one is also a fairly common skin - I'd say 2k - 4k.
[5] This one is becoming more and more common everyday. A Req. 9 one can go for 10K - 25K~, depending on the buyer and where you sell.
[6] Not exactly sure.
[7] 4K - 10K~
[8] Not exactly sure.

All-in-all, they're mostly common skins - though they'd work perfectly for any hero. Hopefully this helps.

Xenedin K

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2009


Thank you Mudkipz and xMinimalism for your help, and it is much appreciated, i've just added some info to the items for the proper PC, Special thanks also to Minimalism for filling me in on what i should be doing(Fairly new to GuildGuru) Regarding the correct information

~Xenedin K



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

Europe - H

Private Army of Ascalon [ARMY]


6: ~3k - common drop