can someone tell me how much a barbed brute sword of defense is?
the sword is:
13-19 dmg(req 10 swords)
15^50 (non insc)
lengthens bleeding duration on foes by 33%(stacking)
i would like to know if i could get more money out of it by salvaging the mods off of it or selling the sword all together
PC Barbed Brute Sword of Defense
zach attack
Jaran Cell
I'm sorry but your sword is unsellable. Unless to a merchant ofc.
The most money you could make out of it would be to salvage the of defence part and sell that.
Not worth the trouble imho
The most money you could make out of it would be to salvage the of defence part and sell that.
Not worth the trouble imho
It isn't max so just merch it.