Hero Battles 2x Commander point weekend...
Hello Anet! If you're reading this, then awesome! As you know many people are trying to raise their Commander Title before Hero Battles is permanently deleted. Many of us have talked to each other about asking for just at least one weekend to do this. All that we ask is that you will have double Commander point weekend. Sorry for my redundancy I'm just trying to get the point made Thank you.
To the players: If you like this thread please /sign and they may actually do this. Thanks!
10 /signed
"9 /notsigned " -this includes all negative 'feedback' as "/notsigned"
To the players: If you like this thread please /sign and they may actually do this. Thanks!
10 /signed
"9 /notsigned " -this includes all negative 'feedback' as "/notsigned"
oh and zquest on sunday too...
aNet has done the related zquest with weekend event for the past 3 weekends.. continue that trend.
oh and zquest on sunday too...
aNet has done the related zquest with weekend event for the past 3 weekends.. continue that trend.
Elle Bishop
It's only fair to give people a little help in getting the title for hom before they completely remove it from the game.
It's only fair to give people a little help in getting the title for hom before they completely remove it from the game.
Why not give us a double point weekend? Might as well help us get as many points as we can before HB goes away.
I got a better idea. How about they just make September a double point month.
Why not give us a double point weekend? Might as well help us get as many points as we can before HB goes away.
I got a better idea. How about they just make September a double point month.
Just close the thing already. People would only do the blue/red thing.
It's the 'proper' thing to do, considering...
It's the 'proper' thing to do, considering...
The last hero point weekend was only 4 weeks ago, you are not going to get another one so soon after the last one.
Red/Blue weekend? errr NO!!
Sure most of it will be red/blue or whatever they do now but who cares. Titles don't mean anything people just want to get HoM i'm guessing.
No harm in giving the players that still enjoy the format (somehow) this before it's deleted.
No harm in giving the players that still enjoy the format (somehow) this before it's deleted.
lol hb
lol titles
lol titles
Riot Narita
If they remove Hero Battles from the game, and there is no longer any mechanism for progress in the Commander title... isn't it possible that they will also remove the Commander title from the game? Which would make a 2x points weekend pretty pointless.
Just a thought. If the title does remain, it wouldn't hurt anyone to give a last 2x points weekend for it, so...
Maybe they will create completely new and different way to progress that title. In which case, they'll almost certainly have a 2x weekend anyway, to promote it.
Just a thought. If the title does remain, it wouldn't hurt anyone to give a last 2x points weekend for it, so...
Maybe they will create completely new and different way to progress that title. In which case, they'll almost certainly have a 2x weekend anyway, to promote it.
Xanthe Dashka
One must be stupid to believe Anet that would add another hero-battles weekend to a gamemode they are going to delete soon. Only because noobs care about their red/blue-rolled-I-have-no-value-title.
Herr Schlumpf
would just be fair.
and to all the "red/blue saying" idiots:
you dont understand this game. people around rating 950-1050 ask for that, and NO ONE ever leaves, because its stupid, with the removal of /roll, people who want to farm just switched to high-damage 4 on 4 builds and then smash each others face. thats fast enough and still real playing, while you guys who qq about red/blue, do it yourself or dont hb at all after you got assraped.
just my 2cents
would just be fair.
and to all the "red/blue saying" idiots:
you dont understand this game. people around rating 950-1050 ask for that, and NO ONE ever leaves, because its stupid, with the removal of /roll, people who want to farm just switched to high-damage 4 on 4 builds and then smash each others face. thats fast enough and still real playing, while you guys who qq about red/blue, do it yourself or dont hb at all after you got assraped.
just my 2cents
My New Name
go blue go!
go blue go!
Hb is meaningless
Hb is meaningless
LoL...typical Anet move. Why give us a double point weekend for a title of something that is soon to be deleted anyways? You are deleting it for a reason...it sucks. Why give people a reason to go there which will only be to play red/blue resign game anyways?
The fact that people do this simply shows how much titles have corrupted your game and how bad HB is. Delete HB and the titles and lets move on.
The fact that people do this simply shows how much titles have corrupted your game and how bad HB is. Delete HB and the titles and lets move on.
Mr. Undisclosed
One must be stupid to believe Anet that would add another hero-battles weekend to a gamemode they are going to delete soon. Only because noobs care about their red/blue-rolled-I-have-no-value-title.
If they remove Hero Battles from the game, and there is no longer any mechanism for progress in the Commander title... isn't it possible that they will also remove the Commander title from the game? Which would make a 2x points weekend pretty pointless.
Just a thought. If the title does remain, it wouldn't hurt anyone to give a last 2x points weekend for it, so... /signed Maybe they will create completely new and different way to progress that title. In which case, they'll almost certainly have a 2x weekend anyway, to promote it. |
Answered your own question bro, it sucks anyway.
want to farm this title faster.
You guys saying no are dumb.
want to farm this title faster.
You guys saying no are dumb.
Pretty much this.
Pretty much this.
Shadowspawn X
Triple commander points or nothing.
Triple commander points or nothing.
What Now
LoL...typical Anet move. Why give us a double point weekend for a title of something that is soon to be deleted anyways? You are deleting it for a reason...it sucks. Why give people a reason to go there which will only be to play red/blue resign game anyways?
The fact that people do this simply shows how much titles have corrupted your game and how bad HB is. Delete HB and the titles and lets move on. |
My New Name
Sankt Hallvard
Yes people are doing "RR" red resigns BUT I believe you need r3 before you can put it in your HoM (I could be wrong on this degree). Personally I'd rather fight to gain the rep, but considering HB is going to be deleted the 28th? of Sept? I think it is, they should add another double weekend.
-please keep thread on the same subject and don't run on into something else.
My New Name
Martin Alvito
Maybe because many people grinded/worked (call it as you wish) their asses off to get them?
It seems incredibly improbable that this title will be meaningful in GW2, given that ANet is closing it down before the end of GW's run. This is almost certainly a non-issue, because the level of QQ near release if Commander meant something would be enormous.
As for the broader issue of whether titles are bad for the game, you'd need to take that to a separate thread to discuss it. All I'll say here is that I've got a number of nice titles and that I'll be the first to tell you that titles drive stupid behaviors.
How much easier do you want this title to get? You can already get 30 points an hour, and they only just had a double Commander-pt. weekend last month -.-
How much easier do you want this title to get? You can already get 30 points an hour, and they only just had a double Commander-pt. weekend last month -.-
Mr. Undisclosed
Umm easier? Don't feel like even taking the time it takes to rr for only single points. Its the last month ever for HB, I'm sure having a weekend event for it a little early would be justified by not having a weekend for the title ever again.
Sure, what the hell. If the Zquest comes up at the same time, rock on.