Change the glad titles point system to the Commander title so that the title can be more accessible to the casual players in RA (Each win=1 point towards the title). This would allow casual players to be able to enjoy them selfs without worrying if their team is going to get to 10 wins and if a team wins a few their effort is not wasted it would still go towards their title, it would also allow the hard-core to play a game, and if they win they are free to go back and try for a better team.
Gladiator Title
Gladiator(1) ....125
Fierce Gladiator(2) ...250
Mighty Gladiator(3)....500
Deadly Gladiator(4)....840
Terrifying Gladiator(5)....1,400
Conquering Gladiator(6) ...2,330
Subjugating Gladiator(7)..3,875
Vanquishing Gladiator(8)..6,480
King's Gladiator(9)..........10,800
Emperor's Gladiator(10)...18,000
Balthazar's Gladiator(11)..30,000
Legendary Gladiator (12) .45,000
OR increase the amount of points gained for consecutive wins. (5wins=2 points,10=4,15=6...).