Gameplay Advance [SP]
Gameplay Advance is a newly formed Luxon guild designed to create an environment for players to transition between regular PvE and higher-end play. The guild is looking to grow quickly and becoming a leading community to link like-minded players. This is not a 'new players learning the game' type of guild and we're looking for players that have experience with most PvE areas who want to build up their experience bank.
As with any guild of this type there are requirements of applicants
Completed all campaigns on at least one character Willingness to run builds as asked Ability or interest in playing a multitude of roles Access to some form of voice communication (this will be decided upon by vote) ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE Site registration
Perma Crumpets (Guild Leader)
Sonya Hindemith (Friend of the guild CANNOT invite)
Senia Spiritbinder AKA Perma Crumpets