Hello there -
First - our two guilds are looking for members, both are casual gvg guilds. One does mostly byob/splts and test builds, in the other we generally run spikes.
We require Vent, Mic and Hero 3 or Glad 2 or significant gvg experience. (and no plz dont bother telling me how H3 doesnt = G2)
We gvg daily in one or both guilds from around 9:30 EST-1AM'ish.
We have fun, win some, lose some - its casual gvg thats how it goes, we are not shooting for ladder or trim, just like to have fun.
Second - We have a few spots open (2) in our alliance for any Kurz GvG/PvP guilds that would like to join. Lots of guesting opputunities.
If interested in joining one of our guilds or our alliance please PM - "Meiu Prime or Troa Meiu"
Casual GvG alliance looking for more (Kurz)