Hey all , In this Thread I will share my littel dust farming build and route im using atm.
1 run takes 6-8min and you get like 120~ dust sometimes more sometimes less .
The build is my own and not copied It works great.
Temp code = OAhkQoGVoKqEBjjjbg3kFj0kggqI
Min hp : 465
Min energy : 53
Well lets start with the place, Enter TOA and just take the exit there.
then follow this map.
Allright you can aggro more than 1 groop but if you are new to the build stick to 1 groop, before you aggro cast 7,1 aggro and when the monster are comming close to you cast 2,3,4,5 simple as that .
Don't use the running skill since its only for get into the farming place.
Here I did aggro 3 groops ~ lol sorry for 'paint skills'
Some random good drop ~
Well got any questions or so just msg me Bye bye.
Dust Farming N/RT
Cooldude thihi
Please include
Armor set
Armor set
Cooldude thihi
Sorry I forgot it hehe :P, I use two wep 1 +20ench wep (staff)
and one set with offhand and axe that gives med +60hp together.
got a blood head +3, armor and gloves are energy +5, rest are just +5 health runes.
the attributes are, blood 14, soul 5, restor 10 and channeling 10.
Hope this helped.
and one set with offhand and axe that gives med +60hp together.
got a blood head +3, armor and gloves are energy +5, rest are just +5 health runes.
the attributes are, blood 14, soul 5, restor 10 and channeling 10.
Hope this helped.
Attributes from the template code are:
Blood Magic: 10
Soul Reaping: 5
Restoration Magic: 10
Channeling Magic: 10
OP is wielding a Winged Staff, probably with +20% enchanting. It might be the Fervorborn Staff. That staff has useful mods for this build. So any +20 energy Insightful "Hale and Hearty" staff with +20% enchantment duration seems to be recommended equipment.
Unholy Feast steals from 4 foes at 13 Blood and up. I'm guessing that's what the superior blood is for, since raising it for Demonic Flesh makes no sense.
Blood Magic: 10
Soul Reaping: 5
Restoration Magic: 10
Channeling Magic: 10
OP is wielding a Winged Staff, probably with +20% enchanting. It might be the Fervorborn Staff. That staff has useful mods for this build. So any +20 energy Insightful "Hale and Hearty" staff with +20% enchantment duration seems to be recommended equipment.
Unholy Feast steals from 4 foes at 13 Blood and up. I'm guessing that's what the superior blood is for, since raising it for Demonic Flesh makes no sense.
Ty for sharing will certainly give it a try ^^
~White Oxygen
~White Oxygen