need PC on r9 Magmas Shield (modded+inscri)
and also Mini White Bunny (ded)
i dont know how up-to-date the list is so..i would like it pc'd too
Magmas Shield r9
Neverending Silence
100k for magmas
and around 30k for ded mini, mayb abit more
and around 30k for ded mini, mayb abit more
M @ T
Not sure on mini but Magmas=90-100+x(hard to sell for + though). Perf salvage the mods and sell them separately.
Total Lockdown
Agree with ArchLord & [email protected]
ll Jamie ll
Hmmm... thinking about it you might be able to get 40k for that mini, seen it go for that. But maybe things have changed.
Nothing wrong in giving it a shot though.
+ Agree on above Magma PC's.
Nothing wrong in giving it a shot though.
+ Agree on above Magma PC's.