Swine Flu outbreak at PAX
Remember an update regarding the LIVE team feeling under the weather and suspending their monthly update?
I hope the live team will see their doctors immediately.
I hope the live team will see their doctors immediately.
Sarevok Thordin
Crap, this is bad D:
Blah one of those flights came into Phoenix. Stupid freaking pig flu.
I hope for everyone involved that it's just simple concrud, and not this.
I hope for everyone involved that it's just simple concrud, and not this.
I'm sure they'll have gone to see a doctor by now if they were worried that it was something more than just con plague.
H1N1 isn't really as huge of a deal as the media's made of it, though; I remember when it first broke out and people were flipping out over it and then it was discovered that most of the deaths attributed to it were actually from other things.
H1N1 isn't really as huge of a deal as the media's made of it, though; I remember when it first broke out and people were flipping out over it and then it was discovered that most of the deaths attributed to it were actually from other things.
oh come on, its just a minor flu.
Kerwyn Nasilan
Thats the punishment you get for having Pigs and Paris Hilton in the same country...
H1N1 isn't really as huge of a deal as the media's made of it, though; I remember when it first broke out and people were flipping out over it and then it was discovered that most of the deaths attributed to it were actually from other things.
Ladies and gentlemen, the voice of reason. Try basic hygiene...it's amazing what can be prevented just by washing your hands.
Zodiac Meteor
originally posted by linsey we all had a blast at pax this weekend, but the fallout is rampant illness tearing through the live team. With so many people out sick, we have decided to delay the scheduled skill balance until next week. Sorry guys! *heads back to bed* -brought to you by the sniffling, fevered, coughing mess that was once called linsey |
My New Name
walk it off

own age myname
It's just a flu, only thing good that will maybe come out of the H1N1 is skipping school.
Oh no, brace for "video games are bad for your health" articles
Kerwyn Nasilan
Yeah: http://guildwarsguru.com/forum/showt...php?t=10400827
And they're not canceling the update, they're just delaying it a week.
Anyway, closed.
And they're not canceling the update, they're just delaying it a week.
Anyway, closed.