Lots of golds, some oldschool.

Duke Slytalker

Duke Slytalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

southern ILL

Signet of Ultimate Doom[SiG]


All items are inscribble unless noted as oldschool.

Gladius Q9 15^50 (oldschool)

Lotus Shield Q10 Str

Grim Cesta Q11 Death (claw skin)

Greater Glyphic Maul Q11

Hooked Scythe Q9

Gothic Sword Q11 +5en (oldschool)

Divine Scroll Q9 divine favor

Eagle Defender Q9 motivation

Reinforced Defender Q9 motivation

Iridescent Aegis Q11 tactics

Ancient Shield Q10 Command

Break Hammer Q9

Earth Staff Q12 (orrian/obsidian skin)

Storm Bow Q9 15^enchant (oldschool)

Holy Branch Q9 divine favor

Summit Warlord Shield Q10 tactics

Soul Spire Q10 soul reaping

Eternal Bow Q12 15^stance (oldschool)

Thanks in advance.

Duke Slytalker

Duke Slytalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

southern ILL

Signet of Ultimate Doom[SiG]


Bump, any opinions would be nice, even if you don't what everything is worth.




Join Date: Jun 2006

Eternal Bow Q12 15^stance (oldschool) = 3-5k..
Gladius Q9 15^50 (oldschool) = 5k
Gothic Sword Q11 +5en (oldschool) = 5-10k

Duke Slytalker

Duke Slytalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

southern ILL

Signet of Ultimate Doom[SiG]



12 letters



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2007

Ireland Derry


Lotus Shield Q10 Str = merch
Greater Glyphic Maul Q11 = merch
Eternal Bow Q12 15^stance = merch hard to sell
Storm Bow Q9 15^enchant imo i would merch maybe 10-20k if u lucky