All items are inscribble unless noted as oldschool.
Gladius Q9 15^50 (oldschool)
Lotus Shield Q10 Str
Grim Cesta Q11 Death (claw skin)
Greater Glyphic Maul Q11
Hooked Scythe Q9
Gothic Sword Q11 +5en (oldschool)
Divine Scroll Q9 divine favor
Eagle Defender Q9 motivation
Reinforced Defender Q9 motivation
Iridescent Aegis Q11 tactics
Ancient Shield Q10 Command
Break Hammer Q9
Earth Staff Q12 (orrian/obsidian skin)
Storm Bow Q9 15^enchant (oldschool)
Holy Branch Q9 divine favor
Summit Warlord Shield Q10 tactics
Soul Spire Q10 soul reaping
Eternal Bow Q12 15^stance (oldschool)
Thanks in advance.
Lots of golds, some oldschool.
Duke Slytalker
Duke Slytalker
Bump, any opinions would be nice, even if you don't what everything is worth.
Eternal Bow Q12 15^stance (oldschool) = 3-5k..
Gladius Q9 15^50 (oldschool) = 5k
Gothic Sword Q11 +5en (oldschool) = 5-10k
Gladius Q9 15^50 (oldschool) = 5k
Gothic Sword Q11 +5en (oldschool) = 5-10k
Duke Slytalker
12 letters
12 letters
Lotus Shield Q10 Str = merch
Greater Glyphic Maul Q11 = merch
Eternal Bow Q12 15^stance = merch hard to sell
Storm Bow Q9 15^enchant imo i would merch maybe 10-20k if u lucky
Greater Glyphic Maul Q11 = merch
Eternal Bow Q12 15^stance = merch hard to sell
Storm Bow Q9 15^enchant imo i would merch maybe 10-20k if u lucky