Earth Wand 20% HSR Water 20% HCT Air Oldschool, gold, max
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PC Earth Wand 20% HSR Water 20% HCT Air Oldschool
dark horni worm
no one can use that... funny item cause of the perfect triple req though... merch
bump. Any other opinions?
bump Q_________________________________Q
agreed with dark horni.... someone might pay 3-5k for lulz... it is junk though
Someone somewhere may have an water/air build that would make the best out of it, but finding such a buyer is as likely as finding another wand with exact same mods as this. Such a person won't probably be caring about req, since it matters only for wanding dmg and finding one with correct hct/hsr is already hard enough. It IS possible to find a buyer looking for something exactly like this but it may take ages. Even then it won't get a high price, you should be happy to sell for about any price
Most would just consider it junk and just merch.
Most would just consider it junk and just merch.