Consistent lag cause?

Divine Ashes

Divine Ashes

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006




So I got my new laptop last Christmas, and until I moved, it ran perfectly fine with no lag, hardly any err 7s (maybe like two in the 6 months it ran fine). It's a Inspiron 1525 3 gigs RAM and 2.00 GHz processor. the graphics card is integrated, but as long as I play it on medium-low settings it's a non-factor. All drivers are updated.

The problem has come recently, and I'd just like to know for sure (or be reassured) what the problem is. I recently moved into an apartment complex where we get free Wireless internet. At no point was the wireless described as "high speed", but for the first week or so everything ran perfectly fine. Then, I'm guessing as more people moved in (school year started), the lag got perpetually worse to the point where the game is almost unplayable. Also, I'm getting the same problem on videos I try to watch, where I'll start them, they'll freeze and buffer, play a little longer, freeze and buffer, etc. I'm thinking that the problem lies in too many people using the wireless internet. I believe there are only 3 routers in the whole apartment complex, but there may be as little as 1. I'm assuming it has something to do with the bandwidth, but I may be wrong (not very computer literate). From checking on file sharing, I can see at least 15 other computers set up. Guild Wars will run, but I have constantly changing ping, from maybe 100-200 for a couple seconds, to 500-600 for a while longer, to upwards of 100,000 ping spikes at a time. I was wondering if there was anything else that could be done besides getting new internet from my cable provider. I've already tried a host of things; checking ip addresses, DNS flushes, defragging, spyware and virus checks, clearing space on hard drive, etc. Nothing has worked, so assuage me that the problem lies in the wireless internet and not in my computer itself. I'd like to be validated so I can pay the 20$/month for cable internet .


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

Yep, it's the wireless. Wireless in general has latency problems sometimes, and it probably doesn't help that you have what sounds like file-sharing bandwidth suckers for neighbors.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

New Zealand


Its definitely the internet at your apartment complex. The amount of users slows things down a great deal. I notice speed differences at my house, and that's only 4 people. With 15+ its going to get pretty bad, especially if they use downloads/youtube/internet games.

Bob Slydell

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2007

Are you connecting to the local wireless router? If you are.. probably about 1000 other people on there downloading god knows what sucking the bandwidth dry, I wonder if your friends bought their own internet connection and thats why it works for them?

Divine Ashes

Divine Ashes

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006




Yeah I'm going to call my cable provider tomorrow and get some new internetz. Thanks for the responses!