Please remove Charrslaying Mod
All of the EotN Ebon Vanguard Weapon Skins have the mod Charrslaying on them. I know the weapons are literally called Charrslayer *weapon* but some of these have amazing skins, and this unremovable mod makes it so you can't actually use them in many situations without handicapping yourself.
Suggestion is pretty simple, Make it so the Charrslaying mod can be changed.
Edit: For people concerned with Lore, I suggest that the Weapon always come with the mod, but it can be taken off or replaced with another.
Suggestion is pretty simple, Make it so the Charrslaying mod can be changed.
Edit: For people concerned with Lore, I suggest that the Weapon always come with the mod, but it can be taken off or replaced with another.
There were 1 or 2 skins that I found to be decent but nothing I would use over what I already have. Personally-- changing the +20% to a +30 health or an AL +5 really won't make or break you in PvE so there's no need to worry. If it does... Then... Well... I'm sorry for anyone who can't continue on through PvE without that one little mod to boost your little 'ol red bar. <_<
I agree. I love the Charrslayer Focus, it looks bad ass on my necro, but the +10 against Charr is rather useless. Would love if this could be taken off.
I agree, there are a few great skins here that are useless to me because of the mod.
Agreed. A lot of those weapons look cool but they are useless because of that mod. Maybe make the mod a separate craftable at that guy?
there are some really nice skins in there but the mods that can't be taken off makes them just not worth it. so i'll agree with this idea.
Lux Aeterna
/signed, just remove the mods and make the weps moddable like every other crafter wep, would be cool.
There were 1 or 2 skins that I found to be decent but nothing I would use over what I already have. Personally-- changing the +20% to a +30 health or an AL +5 really won't make or break you in PvE so there's no need to worry. If it does... Then... Well... I'm sorry for anyone who can't continue on through PvE without that one little mod to boost your little 'ol red bar. <_<
~LeNa~ |
There were 1 or 2 skins that I found to be decent but nothing I would use over what I already have. Personally-- changing the +20% to a +30 health or an AL +5 really won't make or break you in PvE so there's no need to worry. If it does... Then... Well... I'm sorry for anyone who can't continue on through PvE without that one little mod to boost your little 'ol red bar. <_<
~LeNa~ |
I understand the mod may not work for MOST builds and uses. However, the mod is specific to that weapon for a lore reason. Changing that would ruin the story involved. Instead of removing it from there, I'd prefer another source of the skin if it was THAT important to have. But we already have suggestions for more weapon skin options. Make PvP weapon skin exclusives available to PvE. Make all PvE weapon skins available to PvP. Etc., etc., etc.
/unsigned for your idea, as I feel the lore is more important than a skin
/unsigned for your idea, as I feel the lore is more important than a skin
@ everyone quoting me: I was referring to the PvE aspect of the game. If I was referring to both I would have stated "PvX" or "PvE/P". ^^;
Also, MagmaRed hit the nail on the head. The charr weapons are meant to be lore based.
Also, MagmaRed hit the nail on the head. The charr weapons are meant to be lore based.
I don't care that it's lore based, they shouldn't have a few weapon skins that are only available with certain mods.
I don't care that it's lore based, they shouldn't have a few weapon skins that are only available with certain mods.
I'd agree with splitting it into one that can't have the mod removed and one that can. But It seems like a stupid thing to do. If you really are into the Lore that much, then don't remove the Mod?
Edit: Gotta make this more clear. I think the Mod should come with the weapon, but it can be replaced and removed.
Edit: Gotta make this more clear. I think the Mod should come with the weapon, but it can be replaced and removed.
Again Agreed with Chocobo1, then it doesnt screw up the lore and we are all happy

I'd say dont change it :\ next thing you know people will be wanting to change the fiery sword hilt on the Q7 15^50 Fiery Dragon Sword they've had forever =]
uh yeah that's a totally different story. the fiery hilt is also useful(conjure flame mostly) unlike the charrslaying mods which literally can't be used for anything in pvp.
PvE-only and non-battle related upgrades should be on a PvE-only slot.
That goes for "Highly Salvageable" and "Improved Sale Value" and "+Defense versus race" upgrades too.
That goes for "Highly Salvageable" and "Improved Sale Value" and "+Defense versus race" upgrades too.
In my opinion, what they need to do is take every "Charrslaying" "Trollslaying" "Demonslaying" etc. mod and make it so that it reads "20% damage vs x, 10% damage vs everything else" so that rather than getting 15% while health is above 50%, you get 10% unconditional. Perhaps it's not as good as 15% while health is above 50%, but at least you'd see such mods used a lot more often.
Its a good idea , there should be an option to remove that mod if you dont want it.
Even if the Charrslayer mod remained on them, it wouldn't be a problem if you could replace it. It doesn't even need to be initially salvagable, just so long as you can replace it.
I see nothing wrong with the OP's suggestion Lore wise. And Lore shouldn't get in the way of the game.
I understand the mod may not work for MOST builds and uses. However, the mod is specific to that weapon for a lore reason. Changing that would ruin the story involved. Instead of removing it from there, I'd prefer another source of the skin if it was THAT important to have. But we already have suggestions for more weapon skin options. Make PvP weapon skin exclusives available to PvE. Make all PvE weapon skins available to PvP. Etc., etc., etc.
/unsigned for your idea, as I feel the lore is more important than a skin |
I see nothing wrong with the OP's suggestion Lore wise. And Lore shouldn't get in the way of the game.
Hugh Manatee
/signed, It should be like the torment and destroyer weapons that come with 15^50 or whatever for free, but you an overwrite it.... I slay plenty of charr without the mod... It would be different if it was a green weapon(like the afforementioned mallyx weapons, or the pretty +10 vs deamon shields), but they're crafted.
I always found it frustrating that the Asura and Norn weapons were able to be used freely with whatever mods you desire, but this enitre weaponset is ruined by an irremovable mod.
Marty Silverblade
Agree with the idea that it should come with the weapon, but be replaceable.
Completely agreed on this one. Place another weaponsmith that has unmodded Charrslaying equipment for 5k + materials.