I have unopened 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year birthday presents in Presearing. If I were to sell them how much do you think they would go for?
I also have-
q7 Eerie Focus Energy +12, Half Skill Recharge 10%
q8 Tactics Shield of the wing Inscribeable Armor:15
q8 Tactics Round Shield Inscribeable Armor:15
q8 Tactics Tall Shield Inscribeable Armor:15
Thanks in Advance
PC On q7/q8 items and mini pets
1st - 4k, 2nd - 8k ish, 3rd - 14kish, 4th - 50k, imo open 1st-3rd they take to long to sell, 4th might sell quickish
about 2 months ago i sold a bunch of presents in pre: 1st ~8k, 2nd ~20k, 3rd 40-50k, 4th 100k. Wild guess at prices now: 6k, 15k, 35k, 80k pre gold.
q8 15al shields 10-15k if blue
q8 15al shields 10-15k if blue