1)Hale Plagueborn Staff of Warding
Halves Skill Recharge of Spells(Chance 20%)
Energy +10
Cold Damage 11-22(Req 9 Communing)
Reduces Bleeding duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
Health +27
Armor +7(vs Elemental Damage)
2)Blazing Wind Wand of Memory
Fire damage 11-22( Req 9 Fire Magic)
Halves Skill Recharge of Fire Spells(Chance 19%)
Inscription: "Brawn over brains"
Damage +15%
Energy -5
3) Cane of Memory
Chaos Damage 11-22(Req 12 Illusion Magic)
Haves Skills Recharge of Illusion Magic( 20% chance)
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +15%(While Health is above 50%)
PC on Three Gold items...
all salvage and merch/hero
Just bumping to see if anyone else has anything to add...