Ok guys another update for some stuff
the good stuff
all are gold tyrian
Req7 fellblade 15^50 non inscr -- belongs to an old friend from first guild, I will see if I can get a SS from him I want to buy this from him but he hasn't wanted to sell it to me for like 3+ years
req8 eternal bow 15^50 non inscr
req7 halfmoon bow 15^50 non inscr-- This belongs to another old guildmate but he hasn't been on in a while he has had it for a very long time too 3+ years is my guess he is probably going to be selling me this soon once he gets back on so I will post pics when I buy it
less expensive stuff
req 10 eternal blade inscr (yes gold)
req11 crystalline inscr (yes gold)
the Fell and the Moon bow I know are probably 1 out of 2-3 in the game so if you can't PC it it's fine I just threw it on here for the hell if it I have tried like 3-4 times but no one ever knows
thanks in advanced guys
PC r7 and r8 stuff + more
Fallen SeraphiM
eternal bow ~50e
for fell and halfmoon post pic....
for fell and halfmoon post pic....
if that fellblade max real gold 15^50 = priceless show pic
and show pic for the bow iirc there been no max perfect bow
i pm him in game ask to c if there were real and he saying he friend got them he looking to buy and i ask to get screen shots and he said we wount be able to pc them
and show pic for the bow iirc there been no max perfect bow
i pm him in game ask to c if there were real and he saying he friend got them he looking to buy and i ask to get screen shots and he said we wount be able to pc them
The fellblade would be in the tens of millions, it's a shame it doesn't exist.
fellblade/half moon are more then likely fake, however their price is whatever the "seller" would want. 1 of a kind items don't have a price tag on them
Can't say how many times I've heard about this alleged R7 15>50 fellblade, yet only seen fake pictures. Honestly even a SS does nothing for me - I have seen some good fakes. When you can show it in game then I'd believe it. Same with the bow.
Malice Black
Fellblade - It's a sellers market
Halfmoon - As above
Too bad the chances of the fellblade existing are 0. Perf req7 halfmoon on the other hand is possible, but unlikely.
Halfmoon - As above
Too bad the chances of the fellblade existing are 0. Perf req7 halfmoon on the other hand is possible, but unlikely.

See how easy it is?
The only way to prove this would be to show in game to anyone who asked.
Never seen nor heard from a reputable source about a q7 bow. Would love to see evidence to the contrary.