PC On Spear
PC On Spear of the heirophant
90-100k I'd say.
Last I saw and last time I tried to buy one, it was around 50k.
I saw 1 for sale at 80k and today I saw someone wanting to buy 1 and I told him i would sell mine for 70k thinking it was a really good deal he called me a price gouger and said they are worth 40k. I dont know about anyone else but I ran duncan as a sin and took me 60 runs to get tha dang thing so i think it's worth the 70k but he said people on here said it's only worth 40k.
Total Lockdown
I've sold 2...one for 55K and one for 70k
Really depends on seller , its about 50-80k.
got ya thanks for the input I think i will sell it for 65k seems fair enough