Price Check on 3 swords

Electra Jones

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

The Guardians Of Dragons [GoD]


Could anyone give me the price of these 3 swords ?

Fiery Dragon Sword of Fortitude (gold)
Fire Dmg: 15-22 (Req 9)
Inscription : "Strength and Honor"
Damage +15%^50
Health +30

Icy Dragon Sword of Fortitude (gold) From Nicholas the Traveler
Cold Dmg: 15-22 (Req 9)
Health +30
Inscription: " Strength and Honor"
Damage +15%^50

Sundering Sephis Sword of Fortitude (gold)
Slashing Dmg: 15-22 (Req 9)
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +15%^50
Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30

Thank you for answering

ll Jamie ll

ll Jamie ll

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2009

Devon, England.

Desolation Lords [DL]


Firey id go for 6k-7k (they're common)
Icy from Nich... id say around 15k-20k (gather more opinions on that)
Sephis are getting more common but i would go for around 20k if your lucky.