Does resolution affect ping?
No idea where to actually post this, so move it if it's in the wrong place ._.
Recently I upgraded from my old 1024x768 monitor to a new 1900x1080 one, and my ping has skyrocketed.
My average ping on GW never rose above 150, now it's above 3000 almost every single moment.
Does this occur because of my new monitor? (I doubt it... but that's the only thing that changed)
Recently I upgraded from my old 1024x768 monitor to a new 1900x1080 one, and my ping has skyrocketed.
My average ping on GW never rose above 150, now it's above 3000 almost every single moment.
Does this occur because of my new monitor? (I doubt it... but that's the only thing that changed)
Ping, no.
FPS, yes.
FPS, yes.
That's odd... As my FPS stayed the same (Was already capped at 60, still is) But my ping went from 150-200 average to 5000 average.. while nothing changed, not on my ISP's end or anything, only the guildwars update earlier this month.
Elder III
PING (or latency) is the amount of time it takes for a signal to travel "to and 'fro) so - it's a mix of your ISP and the GW Server - nothing to do with your resolution or monitor...
I knew that, but seeing as the only thing that changed was my monitor (And thus resolution) (And the gw update of september 10th) I was surprised that my ping went from 200 to 5000.
Coincidence, that's all.
Gill Halendt
When switching between resolutions, your screen turns black and the graphics engine halts for a second while the 3D scene is redrawn.
So does the whole game: the ping monitor detects this as "lag" in communication with the game server and your istantaneous ping increases.
Wait for it to get stable again and see.
So does the whole game: the ping monitor detects this as "lag" in communication with the game server and your istantaneous ping increases.
Wait for it to get stable again and see.

Wrong Gill.
It's the same wether it's on windowed or not. Plus, My ping stays at 5000+ For 5 hours in a row.
It's the same wether it's on windowed or not. Plus, My ping stays at 5000+ For 5 hours in a row.
Gill Halendt
Oh, sorry, misuderstood your problem. Thought your ping skyrocketed only when setting a higher resolution, and then you reverted it thinking it caused bad pings.
have you looked at anything external, which hasn't anything to do with your monitor? :P
Try checking your router, wireless and all that stuff =)
Try checking your router, wireless and all that stuff =)
obsidian ectoplasm
You could just be lagging cause they are doing an update?
Ping is a very dynamic thing and is affected by a number of factors. Your ping can change drastically during play depending on conditions between you and the server. Bandwidth is allocated based on quality of service levels - guaranteed bandwidth is highest and followed by variable bandwidth - we get what's left over. If a server you are routed through gets busy with other traffic then you can be re-routed through several other servers than may or may not be as fast. Ping is the sum of how long the signal takes to get through all the enroute servers to the destination and back. Also, if you're on cable internet then you work from a bandwidth pool with all your neghbors. If they are all on and downloading music or watching Netflix then your available bandwidth will go down. Complain to the cable company, we finally got Charter to add equipment in our neighborhood to handle the load.
Why don't you set the rez back to 1024x768 and see if your ping improves? You don't need the old monitor to do this - the new monitor should be able to run at that rez. (And, no, I'm not suggesting you permanently go back to 1024x768.)
I'm thinking that maybe your computer needs to work a lot harder to do 1920x1080 at 60Hz. What graphics card are you using?
I'm thinking that maybe your computer needs to work a lot harder to do 1920x1080 at 60Hz. What graphics card are you using?
As it turns out, several servers between me and A-net's servers went down.
My ISP wasn't responsible, nor was a-net, it was just a problem inbetween -_-;, It's better now, back to my normal 150 ping.
Thanks for your suggestions, it just puzzled me why it happned exactly as I hooked my new monitor up, turns out it was just bad luck.
My ISP wasn't responsible, nor was a-net, it was just a problem inbetween -_-;, It's better now, back to my normal 150 ping.
Thanks for your suggestions, it just puzzled me why it happned exactly as I hooked my new monitor up, turns out it was just bad luck.