Originally Posted by KingCrab
Tactics is indeed utter crap.
Yep. All that's left in it worth using are Soldier's Strike and "Watch Yourself!". Maybe Balanced Stance, though it's not something you'd keep on your bar for general use.
Too many are either conditional to have their effect, end early on a condition that's so easy to meet that it'll never last its duration, or have durations that seem to be over almost before you can move your finger to an adjacent key to use another skill... The latter two seem distressingly common together on the same skills (eg, Defensive Stance, Deflect Arrows, Protector's Defense, Wary Stance)
And the Elites are mostly meh, at best, but a few are crap. eg, Shove does great damage (by Warrior standards, anyways), but makes you useless, you're better off going W/P and taking Soldier's Fury than Soldier's Stance (at 0 Leadership, SF lasts 10s while it takes 15 Tactics for SS to reach 10s! And SF recharges faster and allows you to use a Stance for something else). Charge is vaguely useful, I suppose, though boring. Victory is Mine is nice as long as you can reliably put conditions on your target and you get lucky with the timing (ie, being damaged enough that you need to use it AND it has multiple conditions AND your H/H haven't already killed it, leaving you low on health...).
To make it a useful line, the very least that needs to be done is to double (triple, in many cases) durations of most of the Stances and Shouts (no less than 1s per point of Tactics - comparing to what most of the other Professions get, I see nothing, even given the uninterruptable and instant-use nature of Stances and Shouts, that would make that excessive, at least in PvE) and alter Paragons so that Leadership and most of their Echos only work with Paragon Shouts...