Energy +12, req 8 Curses, and inscribeable.
Its purple if that makes a difference :\
been told evreywhere from 30k to 30ecto, so i thought i'd come here and ask.
Join Date: Mar 2006
We Couldn't Figure Out A Name [LMAO]
18 Sep 2009 at 07:55 - 2
I bought a blue version for 1k, and I can't see this going much higher tbh. The skin is common (although nice) and grape q8s are relatively easy to come by.
10-15k, perhaps? Hard to tell. You might get lucky with someone desperate for a q8.
Nowhere near 100k, though.
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Aug 2006
Europe - H
Private Army of Ascalon [ARMY]
18 Sep 2009 at 08:43 - 3
blue max r8 offhands go for 10-15k easily, I'd say around 20k for a purple one