If the above image does not load http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...ream/gw012.jpg is the url.
For those still having problems seeing it, Its a
Sundering Platinum Longbow of Fortitude
Stats: 15-28 REQ 9 Marksmanship
Inscription: Strength and Honor +15% damage while above 50% health
Armor Penetration 20/20
+30 health
So basically perfect stats on a nice skin.
I'm looking for a price check.
My Gtalk/google is [email protected] feel free to add Me or mail Me about it, or reply here, or even PM Me. I want to sell the bow, but I'm more interested in getting a price check first, as I haven't played GW in over 8 months, prices are different now. For example when I left my mini unded rurik was 40k. Now Idk what its worth. I've been told 5... 10.. 15 and 25k is its value, but I have no idea now, too much variation.
- Morbius