As the title says, Requires 8 Tactics Skull Shield. The text is blue.
It has while enchanted mods, I doubt they will effect the price, but I'll include them on the list.
Edit: It's inscribable. And 16AL ofc.
Thanks in advance.
(I shouldn't have any other threads open, if I do, they can be closed).
R8 Tact Skull Shield
60k+.............................................. . if it is 16ar
ive sold the same shield IG for 100k, try for that.
^^ and I've sold the same for 120k and 80k if you don't want to spam - 120k if you want to put it here on high-end as b/o or spend some time spamming (z-key price spamming is an easier sell imo)
Good skin to go on High end with the standart S/B 100k