pc mini white rabbit (unded)
lord acyne
pc mini white rabbit (unded)

ll Jamie ll
100k+10e, around there. Negotiate to your advantage.
i acquired mini white rabbit for about 85k unded 4 days ago.
i've bought and sold about 4 of these recently: buying for about 80k and selling for 100k max....very hard imo to get more than 100k for these anymore...normal price use to be about 100k+2-5e, but I'm thinking 100k now.
prey monkie
defintly 100k sold mine for 25e, took me long! sold ded white rabbit for 40k, that was kinda surprising. u can buy them also for 80k if u have some social skills:P
Total Lockdown
Sold mine for 100K+12e
(It was thier offer)
(It was thier offer)