Price check on some gold items.
Sioban of Sudenna
Hello, found these when looking over a mule Character. Just wondering if they are worth anything. Thanks.
M @ T
Celestial, erm, I'd merch or a few k cause of the signle mod.
I won't PC the GotH, Cappa and Pyro cause I want to buy them
. PM me when you get PC's, cheers.
I won't PC the GotH, Cappa and Pyro cause I want to buy them
merch the celestial
GoTH ~30-40k imo...
GoTH ~30-40k imo...
Sioban of Sudenna
Thx, anybody else got any ideas of the prizes? cheers.
Sioban of Sudenna
Well i gues no one else can pc the other items then.
Anyway i give it one more day and then i see what i do with them. Cheers.