PC q8 Voltaic Wand ES

Biggus Shlongus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2008

Wiltshire (England)

Martyrs to the Wave [RaiN]


As the Title Says: Please Could I have a price check on:

Voltaic Wand (Requirement 8 Energy Storage)

Cheers in advance



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

Screen pls. as i've never seen/heard about r8 insc wand. so if you seek one. probs you will never get. if you say you got one.. sent screen pls..

If it excist.. well. impossible say value. its whatever buyers would be ready to pay for one..



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2009


Originally Posted by Pleikki View Post
Screen pls. as i've never seen/heard about r8 insc wand. so if you seek one. probs you will never get. if you say you got one.. sent screen pls..

If it excist.. well. impossible say value. its whatever buyers would be ready to pay for one..
if this were true it would be what ever the seller says the price is. dont let buyers push you around if you want to sell something for 1500e sell it for that. you may never get a buyer but its ultimately up to you.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Buyers market if you have one.

Unlikely though as some would have dropped by now.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


The OP doesn't say anywhere that it's 11-22... it's surely just random low level crap with a common skin.

it's pretty common to see newbies uberexcited about getting a Q7-8 gold item, regardless the base stats.

So salvage or merch if dmg is below 11-22...
...or you got one-of-a-kind rarity if 11-22 q8 gold insc. /yearight




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Yeah I don't know why everyone is getting worked up over this when r8 wands that are not max pop up all the time I have found a few but they were far from max......

Try asking for more info before going on and on about "1500e" ... "buyers market" "if it exists" and crap like that.

The OP does not even seem "uberexcited" just asked about a r8 wand?

Lots of assumptions here - and you know what happens when you assume