Humongous pvp changes coming!
Shadowspawn X
OK, we have all heard the news about the "pvp love" update coming in the middle of October. My question is how do you think that this massive update will effect you? Will it make you pvp more or less?
I'm not a big pvp'r but I do have a couple of pvp characters on my account just in case. The most interesting thing I see about this update is the lowering of RP points for pvp skins along with the ability to unlock those skins with zcoins as well. It would be nice for a casual pvp player who only does RA/JQ/FA to have the ability to unlock pvp FoW.
Zcoins are insanely lucrative in HA, which never got any RP's so it seems fair they have a path for the pvp skin unlocks. Seems like a very nice opportunity for those who like to PUG their 8 vs 8.
I'm not a big pvp'r but I do have a couple of pvp characters on my account just in case. The most interesting thing I see about this update is the lowering of RP points for pvp skins along with the ability to unlock those skins with zcoins as well. It would be nice for a casual pvp player who only does RA/JQ/FA to have the ability to unlock pvp FoW.
Zcoins are insanely lucrative in HA, which never got any RP's so it seems fair they have a path for the pvp skin unlocks. Seems like a very nice opportunity for those who like to PUG their 8 vs 8.
lord of all tyria
October? Quarterly, nice joke.
As far as the pvp changes goes, I'm interested to see the effect on ra. What will happen when they cut ta? Will glad points be easier to get? Will less people ra? I'm just trying to get r3.
El Presidente
I'll wait to see the "love" and then decide...
It's titled: (TA + HB)^Sealed = WIN!
but then states: "If the new format is successful..."
Declaring a "win" prior to the start has disgraced many over time.
It's titled: (TA + HB)^Sealed = WIN!
but then states: "If the new format is successful..."
Declaring a "win" prior to the start has disgraced many over time.
Of course WE all do more PvP (i mean ppl who actually do pvp) and also pvers will try it. I don't think the average of PvP players will increase a lot but i think that if they do such improvement of PvP, they could also do something to pve, dont you think?
I think everybody, even people who mostly PvE, will at least give sealed deck a try to see what it is and how it works. Whether or not it catches on is another story.
saint pt
It would be nice for a casual pvp player who only does RA/JQ/FA to have the ability to unlock pvp FoW. |

nice joke.
Depending on the changes made, I might be more willing to dive back into the PvP world. Sealed deck seems like a nice idea, but we'll have to wait and see how it goes once it's implemented.
yup... hopping for a random 30 minute / max point spread server selection with different maps to pick from.
Malice Black
lol? Fow armor is THE most elite armor in guild wars, some people are only able to get it after years of playing. Another useless topic
![]() Code:
nice joke. |
Personally I don't care, but some among the l33t PvE crowd will.
#2 Shouldn't take years to get one set...well not these days anyway. Anet practically hands out free gold now.
As for the PvP update...meh. I'll give sealed deck a bash, but I prefer open world PvP to this balanced crap.
Ease up, they will delay it even more! As for me imma hit new mode pretty hard! Titles ftw. Oh and i hope for some 6k/win fb zquests for it as well.
Divine Ashes
I hope they don't delay the pvp love update...
And tbh the pvp skins don't make any difference to me whatsoever...I do all of my pvping on pve chars.
Just bring on the Sealed Deck.
And tbh the pvp skins don't make any difference to me whatsoever...I do all of my pvping on pve chars.
Just bring on the Sealed Deck.
ele pl
Ease up, they will delay it even more! As for me imma hit new mode pretty hard! Titles ftw. Oh and i hope for some 6k/win fb zquests for it as well.
In before Regina post "We didn't say quaterly"
Let's hope the pvp skins are account based.
Just so it's been said - I haven't seen anything giving a date, all I've seen is "sometime after the September MAT". Has mid-October actually been officially announced anywhere?
Hugh Manatee
A: I wonder if this means we might be able to get some of the skins that have as yet been PvP only on PvE characters withthe coins...(like a str req tribal effigy or warlord shield or the luminescent lantern)
B: The reason I never bothered to spend stuff on the pvp skin rewards is because of needing to constantly recycle pvp characters, and apparently the stuff doesn't get unlocked for the account, just the 1 time(unless you store it on a hero, but that doesn't help with armor...). If they made the stuff stay for your account(or in the case of a pve character, let you craft one customized for them) I would consider working for the skins.
C: RA sucks, the people there are stupid, the only time you win is if you get a party that is less stupid then your enemy, and the enemy doesn't have some stupid griefing tanking crap with 0 offense forcing a draw. If there was ever an arena that should automatically hand the players a balanced sane build, it is RA. Personally, I think they should make RA a random pairing sealed deck arena, TA a team based sealed deck arena and HB a 4 man(maybe 6 man), no AI arena where you build a party with any skill available(like TA is now but on the HB maps with a few annihilation matches on the RA-TA matches), and hold tournies and stuff there.
B: The reason I never bothered to spend stuff on the pvp skin rewards is because of needing to constantly recycle pvp characters, and apparently the stuff doesn't get unlocked for the account, just the 1 time(unless you store it on a hero, but that doesn't help with armor...). If they made the stuff stay for your account(or in the case of a pve character, let you craft one customized for them) I would consider working for the skins.
C: RA sucks, the people there are stupid, the only time you win is if you get a party that is less stupid then your enemy, and the enemy doesn't have some stupid griefing tanking crap with 0 offense forcing a draw. If there was ever an arena that should automatically hand the players a balanced sane build, it is RA. Personally, I think they should make RA a random pairing sealed deck arena, TA a team based sealed deck arena and HB a 4 man(maybe 6 man), no AI arena where you build a party with any skill available(like TA is now but on the HB maps with a few annihilation matches on the RA-TA matches), and hold tournies and stuff there.
#1 Elite doesn't make it good, just expensive. Flip side to that is, there is plenty of money to be made in PvP. Maybe not in RA/TA etc but certainly in HoH.
#2 Anet practically hands out free gold now. |
2. Actually they stopped doing that when XTH got closed down.
Hugh, I managed to get a RA team last night of 3 els and a sassi that was less stupid than the other team 4 out of 5 times. No glad point for me. :`(
I'm adopting the wait-and-see approach to see how it all pans out.
Reverend Dr
I Ithorian I
Ive got 5k rp saved up for the new PvP weapon skin update ^^ 7 out of my 9 characters are PvP so im looking forward to this. It would be nice if they could clarify wether they will actually be able to add EOTN skins though ..
Shadowspawn X
Just so it's been said - I haven't seen anything giving a date, all I've seen is "sometime after the September MAT". Has mid-October actually been officially announced anywhere?
Originally Posted by Linseys Journal August 28th
We will still prioritize our projects with a content update in mind, but they will be generally smaller in scope than the Anniversary Update, and we won't be afraid to do them in close succession should it be warranted. For instance, we would like to release a content update in the next month and a half, but we'd also like to add new content to Halloween and/or Wintersday. |
Wow, thats a lot of RPs.
They did say this was the last HB MAT.
Bob Slydell
I'll be trying sealed deck to see if it's my thing or not, but I'm really hoping it does turn out to be something good... As for the PvP special Armor skins, not going to affect me much. As a PvE player my PvP-Only characters only feel disposable to me, a throw away character. Not enough to grind special stuff for, I usually play PvP for Faction, zquests, (wtf imagine that)...
Originally Posted by Linseys Journal August 28th We will still prioritize our projects with a content update in mind, but they will be generally smaller in scope than the Anniversary Update, and we won't be afraid to do them in close succession should it be warranted. For instance, we would like to release a content update in the next month and a half, but we'd also like to add new content to Halloween and/or Wintersday. |
Zahr Dalsk
Ah, but in ArenaNet's case, "we will" = "possibly."
As far as the pvp changes goes, I'm interested to see the effect on ra. What will happen when they cut ta? Will glad points be easier to get? Will less people ra? I'm just trying to get r3.

I also hope this sealed deck arena isn't chooseup but random as that will make it the most fun one of all.
Still Number One
I think they said something about them being bugged, and if they are bugged then chances are we will never see them. It is really unfortunate too because I also think that would be the best addition to the game short of a GvG tiebreaker change.
Axel Zinfandel
I'll believe it all when I see it on the update notes.
Martin Alvito
lol? Fow armor is THE most elite armor in guild wars, some people are only able to get it after years of playing.
Presto! FoW in a month at most. A week for the hardcore that play this game like it's a full-time job. Don't even need XTH to do it, just a VERY small amount of effort.
On most classes, you can tome your way to all necessary skills for PvP play (including secondaries) with another couple hours of farming event items.
Shadowspawn X
Seems to me with the huge amount of zcoins you can get in HA (350) per toon, plus the new map that is coming to HA and the removal of heroes, not to mention the quick run up of balth faction one can get there we may see a rebirth in the popularity of the format?
Sealed deck is pugger friendly so thats going to be wildly popular. Could this update swing the majority of players finally after 4 long years towards more pvp play?
Sealed deck is pugger friendly so thats going to be wildly popular. Could this update swing the majority of players finally after 4 long years towards more pvp play?
Goody, maybe now PvP will be remotely accessible to PvE players and not alienate them by having lots of good skills destroyed (Smiter's Boon)
What does sealed deck even mean? Excuse the noobishness
Only Pvp I play is occasional FA or JQ

Weeeeelll... r3 glad may not mean anything, but to me that's 1 more goal finished in gw. I have every armor set, every dest+torm weapon, every hero+animal in my hom. I have every honor statue except 3:glad, wisdom, and hero. I will have those 3. I know I'll never be able to get every mini, but I'll get as many as I can before gw2 or I get sick of it and play another game. So yeah. And lol @ zaishen rank meaning something. emote != value
I Angra I
I'm guessing sealed deck will seem interesting for a couple months then just die out.
I'm looking forward to the pvp rewards being cheaper, and I'm really hoping they release EotN stuff again for it. I have about 2000 rps that I've been saving just for that rather than spending it like I usually do.
I'm looking forward to the pvp rewards being cheaper, and I'm really hoping they release EotN stuff again for it. I have about 2000 rps that I've been saving just for that rather than spending it like I usually do.
OK, we have all heard the news about the "pvp love" update coming in the middle of October. My question is how do you think that this massive update will effect you? Will it make you pvp more or less?
I was more hyped about it before. Now I don't think it's going to have much of an impact.
Zahr Dalsk
1. For the most part you are right; there's only a few fow armors that look nice. Unfortunately if you aren't good in pvp or happen to be tagging along with a good team, you can't make money in HA.
For my part, I enjoy HA, but I don't like the setup and group-finding time.
Black Metal
hard to get hyped about anything when they can't deliver on their promises. xth, 2nd content update, being more open to their fanbase, anything substantial about gw2..........
Eragon Zarroc
i wanna know how the new sealed deck format will play out
not to mention, NEW TITLE!!!