+10vs dwarves/plants/trolls inherently on an "old school" shield.
strength linked shadow shields... inscribable
Do these items exist?
Azure mist
Ave an oldschool +10 vs undead, and a +15armor vs charr
Divine Ashes
Strength linked Shadow Shields do exist, inscribable.
yes they do exist only on non insc shields
ranger o mine
i have a rq13 shadow shield with -20% poison and +10vs undead
I know about +10vs undead and others. I was curious about the three I asked for. Good to know +10 vs dwarves exists, although I prefer a strength linked shield. I kind of get the feeling that any monsters/foes found on slaying upgrades can be found on old school shields/offhands as armor bonuses vs.
As for +15 vs charr.. I'm guessing that's either a bonus item or some weird prophecies collector item that isn't max al.
As for +15 vs charr.. I'm guessing that's either a bonus item or some weird prophecies collector item that isn't max al.