Bone Dragon Staves?
Sir Kill A Little
How much is a q10+ channeling BDS? I have a freind saying he bought his for 30k.... I'm highly doubting it but then I asked how much one is worth, and a few people said less than 100k.... Am I crazy by thinking that even a q13 is worth over 100k? Or are they all crazy for telling me they're under 100k?
LOWEST I've seen a BDS for was 45e...r13 unwanted attribute
Copenhagen Master
Your friends apprently don't know what they are talking about haha. Even req 13's unwanted attributes are at least 100k or more
Neverending Silence
/ignore your fail friends and agree with above. 100k+ easily
cheapest bds atm is worth 60e, q10 channeling is worth 90-100e
They perhaps were talking about Dragon Staff, not Bone Dragon Staff. Their name is similar.