Norn Elites
Thenameless Wonder
I suggest they make Ursan, Volven, and Raven blessings actually forms. Make the skills change the appearance of your character. Now really, who doesn't want to play GW looking like a bear, wolf, or raven? ANet already has skins for the bear and wolf, all they would need is a raven skin. Being animal forms would make GW more enjoyable than it is. Who's with me?
Yeah that's what their original intentions were, but they dropped that for some technical reason.
Besides it's not worth it at the moment considering how bad the skills are.
Besides it's not worth it at the moment considering how bad the skills are.
Thenameless Wonder
I wonder why we have dervish avatars but no norn avatars QQ.
You are saying that the elite skills are bad because they skills can't be maintained permanently right? I disagree. I rely on Ursan for Bison Token farming.
You are saying that the elite skills are bad because they skills can't be maintained permanently right? I disagree. I rely on Ursan for Bison Token farming.
Yeah that's what their original intentions were, but they dropped that for some technical reason.
Besides it's not worth it at the moment considering how bad the skills are. |
In fact, Ursan is literally a blessing for some gw players as it at least allows them to play an average game.
Here are some real bad habits seen in pugs (not related to Ursan):
1) Warrior/Paragon running discord caller build while wielding weapons/shield. (Any melee who runs a discord caller should be shot...imo).
2) Melee characters when asked to bring Save Yourselves 'complain' it is an paragon skill...
3) X/Rt pretending to be a spirit spammer, but sucking at it. (Rits create the highest level spirits in game with greater health).
4) Fire eles trying to be competitive in HM play using SH/SF builds, instead break all aggro using AOE skills.
5) Necros need to learn how to use curse skills when teamed with melee units. Sadly, some necros don't get the idea of 'synergy'.
6) Monks who think they ARE needed in teams. Any monk who shows the slighest signs of temper should be kicked to avoid further trouble.
Ursan is a 1-2-3 no-brain button smashing bar that is still better than the "creative" builds pugs bring for daily Zaishen stuff.
In fact, Ursan is literally a blessing for some gw players as it at least allows them to play an average game. Here are some real bad habits seen in pugs (not related to Ursan): 1) Warrior/Paragon running discord caller build while wielding weapons/shield. (Any melee who runs a discord caller should be shot...imo). 2) Melee characters when asked to bring Save Yourselves 'complain' it is an paragon skill... 3) X/Rt pretending to be a spirit spammer, but sucking at it. (Rits create the highest level spirits in game with greater health). 4) Fire eles trying to be competitive in HM play using SH/SF builds, instead break all aggro using AOE skills. 5) Necros need to learn how to use curse skills when teamed with melee units. Sadly, some necros don't get the idea of 'synergy'. 6) Monks who think they ARE needed in teams. Any monk who shows the slighest signs of temper should be kicked to avoid further trouble. |
2) If you bring this skill, you need to bring along something to build adrenalin, else this skill takes too long to power up in most situations and is wasted, especially since warriors aren't usually able to rely on energy for everything else they need
3) Agreed, rt secondaries weren't intended to drum out walls of spirits since no spawning power means less protection
4) Some people never learn, but there's always hope...
5) It's a team game, if you can't coordinate skills with teamates, you waste resources/time
6) Monks take their fair share of flack and good ones know their position. if i know someone is good at monking and they have something to say, better off to listen before you dismiss them outright
I kid you not, but it's exactly because of learning that one does not shapeshift into these animals that I refused to buy GWEN.
And then, after I got it as a gift, I refused to use these skills - once again, due to not shapeshifting.
I kid you not, but it's exactly because of learning that one does not shapeshift into these animals that I refused to buy GWEN.
And then, after I got it as a gift, I refused to use these skills - once again, due to not shapeshifting.
The problem is animations. They most probably have animations only for walking, running, attacking and iddle, but the Norn forms have skills of various types, which have different activation animations.
Well, at least the bear has an skill activation animation for the mauling...
But I would of course agree with having them change the players in to bears, ravens and wolves.
Of course only the Norn can change into the Nornbear, but a bear is not a nornbear.
Well, at least the bear has an skill activation animation for the mauling...
But I would of course agree with having them change the players in to bears, ravens and wolves.
Of course only the Norn can change into the Nornbear, but a bear is not a nornbear.
Thenameless Wonder
It could still work though.....
It COULD work, but not in THIS CURRENT game.
Highly doubt it will happen tho.
Highly doubt it will happen tho.
I suggest they make Ursan, Volven, and Raven blessings actually forms. Make the skills change the appearance of your character. Now really, who doesn't want to play GW looking like a bear, wolf, or raven? ANet already has skins for the bear and wolf, all they would need is a raven skin. Being animal forms would make GW more enjoyable than it is. Who's with me?
Actually they already have raven skins in game. (charr territory at least have some close ones...though i think they are ravens) I dont actually care about animations, and they could just show the animal attacking to satisfy me.
Perhaps this could be implemented just like all the other character transformations in the game. (gee)