Hi...once again.
Echovald Shield
Armor 16 (r9 Tactics)
+44hp (Enchanted)
-2 Damage (Enchanted)
Golden Phoenix Blade
15-22 r8
Both Old Shool. Both gold.
PLEASE,ANSWER. I really need those PC's. And I had no answer on my last 2 threads, I'm starting to think that people simply pass of PC. So, where is the help? 40+ visits on one post, and 20+ in the other. PC's : 0.
PC section is to people enter at post, say how much they think it's PC, and them compare with other PC's. I would love a bit of help...
PC [gold] Echovald Shield r9, GPB r8.
Echovald shield 100k+60e or something, might want to check with someone else..
GPB do a search on the forums
GPB do a search on the forums
gpb 65-75e.....
Agree with above but not sure on echo , i would go with a 100k+20 start and see where it goes.
Imo Echovald maybe 50e.. ...