k. i need all of this. i will afk. i will u pay ufront for each campaigns. then go afk - i expect a little discount , since i hire for everything.
i pay in zkeys. name your price.
mis+bon -- nm
leave your ign here + price, i will pm u over site to setup a time.
wtb: full mis tour -- proph/factions/nf/eotn
210k and i will do proph. Full afk is not possible cause you need to accept quests and so on. I think i will need around 4 or 5 days (maybe more, depends on my freetime) cause the campaign is so damned long 
I will do factions as long as you have the 10k Kurzick/Luxon points for 110k

I will do factions as long as you have the 10k Kurzick/Luxon points for 110k

Will do Tyria NM all missions, but do you have all the mission locations?
~ 200k
IGN: Teresa The Claymore
~ 200k
IGN: Teresa The Claymore
Day Of Sin
Id be willing to sell you a full Nf Run. 250k.