Hardest hitting monster
Kenzo Skunk
What was the highest single-hit/spell damage from non-boss mob you have ever experienced? In my case it was bladed aatxe with 444 slashing damage.
I remember that hydras in the crystal desert in HM hit around 400-500 too with their fireballs and meteors.
Luxon/Kurzick Base Defender - 999 HP.

Pssh. Base Defenders got nothing on an Aatxe.
Granted I was trying to make this hurt like hell, but still.
Granted I was trying to make this hurt like hell, but still.
El Presidente
Malice Black
Aatxe here as well. Need to head to the UW, haven't been there in years.
wind fire and ice
The wurm thing in The Deep is a constant 600+ on casters,most eotn bosses hit very hard because of their double damage..not sure on the highest-it isnt Aatxe,though.
Myes, I know of the Ele boss in Tihark Orchard or something, the SS farm part, that it can hit around 4k too with 600 armor, since its so low AL. It might top that aatxe hit, although it would be by a hairwidth.
The biggest hit known in PvP is around 1700 I believe, an earth spell against a warrior using frenzy without armor.
The biggest hit known in PvP is around 1700 I believe, an earth spell against a warrior using frenzy without armor.
while waiting to get into an AB i switched my headpiece to the lion's mask and forgot to switch it back. needless to say it was very difficult monking that round when a meteor would hit for 1000
I have been hit by "lag" for 54k, instant death...
Beat that <
Beat that <
Zahr Dalsk
Speaking of high numbers, the highest healing in a single skill is definitely Feast of Souls. Can heal thousands on every party member with enough spirits.
Boss = cheating 
(okay, maybe I'm just jealous
EDIT: I did think of a way to take more damage though - Healing Signet's -40 armor won't allow you to take advantage of a 15% -10 while attacking mod. Crude Swing, on the other hand...

(okay, maybe I'm just jealous
EDIT: I did think of a way to take more damage though - Healing Signet's -40 armor won't allow you to take advantage of a 15% -10 while attacking mod. Crude Swing, on the other hand...
Reverend Dr
Couldn't find the screenshot of it, but had a 4000 Rodgorts on Frenzy + Healsig +back when armor of frost (I believe it was frost) had -armor against fire.
About 600 dmg from an ele in doa

That Molotov Rocktail guy hits pretty hard. I know in HM, if I just waltz up to him with my H/H party, they all pretty much instantly die (Heroes with 500-600 health)...
Martin Alvito
while waiting to get into an AB i switched my headpiece to the lion's mask and forgot to switch it back. needless to say it was very difficult monking that round when a meteor would hit for 1000
(Of course, he was perma-protted by the smiter whenever someone was about to start doing damage to him.)
Orosen came to mind for me too. You may have to damage him a little for him to use his item - Tranquil was Tanasen, I think.
Pssh. Base Defenders got nothing on an Aatxe.
Granted I was trying to make this hurt like hell, but still. |
*This blonde moment has been brought to you by, Like, those guys...what are they called? They drive these things, and do stuff....Ohhh Look! smilies

Elemental Resistance would cancel out the Frenzy, giving you way less damage. Also, just for the record that'd be a W/Me bar 
Off the top of my head, skills that will increase the damage you take are Frenzy, Frenzied Defense, Primal Rage, Healing Signet, Crude Swing, Barbed Arrows. Things that could potentially increase the damage you take would be Physical Resistance, Elemental Resistance, and a -10 armor while attacking weapon mod. Calculated Risk could as well, but it'd only add a very little bit since that's armor-ignoring anyway.
Surely I'm missing some, so feel free to list some more.
Oh, and I'm still claiming victory for now:
I'd be interested to see how much some of those siege worms could hit for in the EotN dungeons.

Off the top of my head, skills that will increase the damage you take are Frenzy, Frenzied Defense, Primal Rage, Healing Signet, Crude Swing, Barbed Arrows. Things that could potentially increase the damage you take would be Physical Resistance, Elemental Resistance, and a -10 armor while attacking weapon mod. Calculated Risk could as well, but it'd only add a very little bit since that's armor-ignoring anyway.
Surely I'm missing some, so feel free to list some more.
Oh, and I'm still claiming victory for now:
I'd be interested to see how much some of those siege worms could hit for in the EotN dungeons.
Cyndr the mountain heart, that worm at the end of heart of the shiverpeaks story quest can be very unforgiving, especially since it doesnt look like a boss, but did he rape my party often enough.
yeah see i didn't have prot spirit though i typically take spirit bond which didn't do much good then.
Life Bringing
The Elementalist Lord in the Stygian Veil trenches hit 1.3k with full armor and cons, no frenzy or healsig. Can't remember if i had Life Barrier on me or not.
It is not a monster but it hits really hard:
In terms of auto-attack i think Bladed Aatxe is by far the winner, now if you count skills i guess it's among ele/rt bosses in hm
In terms of auto-attack i think Bladed Aatxe is by far the winner, now if you count skills i guess it's among ele/rt bosses in hm
dr love
HM fozzy hits for 450dmg with rupture soul on my sin with 70 armor.
Only boss ever to give me trouble was the pesky Bone Dragon known as Rotscale...
Vanquishing thats area sure was fun.
Vanquishing thats area sure was fun.
Sarevok Thordin
To the Me/W
You weren't using Elemental Resistance.
You weren't using Elemental Resistance.
Elemental Resistance would give far less damage than Frenzy. That was already discussed.
This is why I love Protective Spirit.