Welcome to GW singleplayer
Hi all, im new to the forum but im not a new guildwarsplayer. I was in this game when there where only prophecies to play. And way back i had a guild and lots of friends to team with for missions. I recently came back from a break from GW, it was over a year long.
And now to the point.
I think this game is missing much of what it had in the old days, and this is not because im tired of GW because im not really tire of the game, im just worried a bit. Let me give you an example of what i mean.
Just now, moments ago i logged in to game and picked a random city to travel to, This time it happened to be Divinity Coast. Doesnt really matter what town you choose. And what do i see you think? I see lots of ppl standing there as zombies with a digit 4 on there head and we all know why this is, its because of the herosystem.
People spending to much time on theire heros, im not against having heros in GW at all, im just against how they are used. Now people almost never search for a group in random citys anymore, they log on wiki and check where the bonus are and hire 2-4 henchmen and just run out and try to do mission with heroes, wheres the fun in that? To me this is awful. I even asked 1 guy the other day if he wanted to team up for something, and i get an answer back -Ummmmm no cuz i have my heroes im fine anyways.
I have to say the originality of GW has died, the true feeling of trying to find a teammate aint there anymore, and i must say GW died with the heroes. Back then we didnt have any heros, we just had to find teampartners. GW nowadays for most of the people playing it has become a singleplayer game, and let me add i also have heroes, yes ofcourse i do. And yes i use them where there is no other alternative. This game took an enourmus wrong turn between prophecies and factions.
Is this system coming to GW2? well if it is i can tell you allready now, its gonna be lonely. For those that say they really enjoy the herosystem i say, Welcome to GW singleplayermode.
Please give me your thoughts on this, im sure there is more people like me out there
Heroes Murdered GW
And now to the point.
I think this game is missing much of what it had in the old days, and this is not because im tired of GW because im not really tire of the game, im just worried a bit. Let me give you an example of what i mean.
Just now, moments ago i logged in to game and picked a random city to travel to, This time it happened to be Divinity Coast. Doesnt really matter what town you choose. And what do i see you think? I see lots of ppl standing there as zombies with a digit 4 on there head and we all know why this is, its because of the herosystem.
People spending to much time on theire heros, im not against having heros in GW at all, im just against how they are used. Now people almost never search for a group in random citys anymore, they log on wiki and check where the bonus are and hire 2-4 henchmen and just run out and try to do mission with heroes, wheres the fun in that? To me this is awful. I even asked 1 guy the other day if he wanted to team up for something, and i get an answer back -Ummmmm no cuz i have my heroes im fine anyways.
I have to say the originality of GW has died, the true feeling of trying to find a teammate aint there anymore, and i must say GW died with the heroes. Back then we didnt have any heros, we just had to find teampartners. GW nowadays for most of the people playing it has become a singleplayer game, and let me add i also have heroes, yes ofcourse i do. And yes i use them where there is no other alternative. This game took an enourmus wrong turn between prophecies and factions.
Is this system coming to GW2? well if it is i can tell you allready now, its gonna be lonely. For those that say they really enjoy the herosystem i say, Welcome to GW singleplayermode.
Please give me your thoughts on this, im sure there is more people like me out there
Heroes Murdered GW
The solution anet is investigating in GW2 looks promising. You can play with large pugs, you can play with just a few friends, and the enemy challenge adjusts to it. As much as some of us would (rightly) not want to be sacked with idiot wammos, running a bunch of bots does not make for compelling gameplay either. (Seriously. How could PvE even begin to require skill when 7 bots have to be able to defeat it?)
Black Metal
xante, go play in a few pugs.
before you know it, it'll be YOU with the '4' over your head
it wasn't heroes that caused people to start looking for pugs, it's the dreadfulness that is the average pugger that makes heroes look so attractive
before you know it, it'll be YOU with the '4' over your head
it wasn't heroes that caused people to start looking for pugs, it's the dreadfulness that is the average pugger that makes heroes look so attractive
I agree heroes, assassins and nerfing Ursans ruined this game. I used to group a lot also, but, now I see the same things. Zombies with 4-8 over their heads anymore. You can even shout out in chat just wanting to talk and nobody says a thing. But, I've though GW has been dying for awhile now. It just looks like there are lots of players because of all the zombies with the high numbers over their heads. Many of them are just afk as well. It's not your older brothers game anymore. I'm sort of glad to hear there will be no hereos or henchies in GW2, but, I'm not so keen on that sidekick thing or being able to solo so easily.
On a good note Diablo III won't be long coming now and Dragon Age by Bioware. Soon GW can become a thing of the past for most all of us.
On a good note Diablo III won't be long coming now and Dragon Age by Bioware. Soon GW can become a thing of the past for most all of us.

I agree heroes, assassins and nerfing Ursans ruined this game. I used to group a lot also, but, now I see the same things. Zombies with 4-8 over their heads anymore. You can even shout out in chat just wanting to talk and nobody says a thing. But, I've though GW has been dying for awhile now. It just looks like there are lots of players because of all the zombies with the high numbers over their heads. Many of them are just afk as well. It's not your older brothers game anymore. I'm sort of glad to hear there will be no hereos or henchies in GW2, but, I'm not so keen on that sidekick thing or being able to solo so easily.
On a good note Diablo III won't be long coming now and Dragon Age by Bioware. Soon GW can become a thing of the past for most all of us. ![]() |
If they had no titles, there would be not even half of the current player base still play. I agree that when new games come out alot more people will leave, Look at Aion. PvP (HA) is absolutely dead even at peak hour, now thats sad.
GW has always been a solo game on the pve side.
Its just taken folks a few years to realise that.
Its just taken folks a few years to realise that.
Divine Ashes
It's not fair to demonize every single assassin trying to PvE purely because of the widespread abuse of shadowform. Sheesh it seems like every thread nowadays is turned into a qq about SF. I bet OP doesn't even know about the SF farm, definitely since he took such a long break from the game.
Anyways, back on topic...
For missions like Divinity Coast, especially in prophecies, you just don't see many groups forming anymore, and if they do, it's probably for HM completion for Guardian title. This is because there are 2 and a half other campaigns that came out after prophecies that people tend to focus more on. Let's face it, the rewards for completing prophecies aren't nearly as great for the rewards for completing Factions, Nightfall, and Gwen. For people who have already completed prophecies, any subsequent trips through are usually through runs from Ascalon or Lions Arch all the way to Thunderhead Keep. If you were to head for the later missions in Nightfall or Gwen, you would see a lot more groups forming.
You're right in saying the hero system has a lot to do with there being less PUGs...as was already stated heroes in most situations are better than random people. If heroes aren't really your thing, though, then there are plenty of guilds out there who have wonderful players who wouldn't mind playing with you through missions they've already completed ad nauseum.
Anyways, back on topic...
For missions like Divinity Coast, especially in prophecies, you just don't see many groups forming anymore, and if they do, it's probably for HM completion for Guardian title. This is because there are 2 and a half other campaigns that came out after prophecies that people tend to focus more on. Let's face it, the rewards for completing prophecies aren't nearly as great for the rewards for completing Factions, Nightfall, and Gwen. For people who have already completed prophecies, any subsequent trips through are usually through runs from Ascalon or Lions Arch all the way to Thunderhead Keep. If you were to head for the later missions in Nightfall or Gwen, you would see a lot more groups forming.
You're right in saying the hero system has a lot to do with there being less PUGs...as was already stated heroes in most situations are better than random people. If heroes aren't really your thing, though, then there are plenty of guilds out there who have wonderful players who wouldn't mind playing with you through missions they've already completed ad nauseum.
Zahr Dalsk
What do you mean, welcome to GW singleplayer? It was ArenaNet's intention from day one that playing with AI be a viable method of gameplay (though in practice, this didn't really work out until later on when AI improved and, more so, we got Heroes).
Anyways, whine less please, if we want to play alone (or with friends) then that's what we're going to do. We don't want to play with the likes of you.
Anyways, whine less please, if we want to play alone (or with friends) then that's what we're going to do. We don't want to play with the likes of you.
Great Dwarf Weapon
Its Been like this for a while...Dont really need to go with 7 fail pugs when you can run with heros
they dont go afk.

Blaming a player who plays an assassin for ruining the game?
Get a life. Your anger should be dirrected at A.net, not at a random guy for no reason (OMG he has sin as his profession, that must mean he only has one profession (not true) and only SF (because we all "know a sin can do nothing but SF /sarcasm)).
Anyway, it's always been like this. I beat Phrophecies when it first came out with just henchmen (dumb AI, no flags to move them out of AoE) while wearing non-max armor. Still better then PUGs.
I remember doing Ring of Fire Bonus once with a pug. A guy who was a warrior and r6 (and mentioned it every chance he could, complete with /emote spamming and "stfu noobs" comments) ran 6 compass lengths away from us as we went and picked up the bonus. He proceeded to die. He then said in chat "where the **** are you guys." The "leet" player (who continued to brag about his expensive gear and high PvP rank) only just realized none of his teammates were even on the map with him. He continued to call us noobs for doing the bonus correctly, and insulted us the rest of the time, even though we ressed his ass and dragged him through the rest of the mission.
Edit 2: WTF? One of the guys trolling the OP for abusing the game with SF has in his guild description "LF pve guild fowsc/uwsc with lotsa people." Hypocrite
Get a life. Your anger should be dirrected at A.net, not at a random guy for no reason (OMG he has sin as his profession, that must mean he only has one profession (not true) and only SF (because we all "know a sin can do nothing but SF /sarcasm)).
Anyway, it's always been like this. I beat Phrophecies when it first came out with just henchmen (dumb AI, no flags to move them out of AoE) while wearing non-max armor. Still better then PUGs.
I remember doing Ring of Fire Bonus once with a pug. A guy who was a warrior and r6 (and mentioned it every chance he could, complete with /emote spamming and "stfu noobs" comments) ran 6 compass lengths away from us as we went and picked up the bonus. He proceeded to die. He then said in chat "where the **** are you guys." The "leet" player (who continued to brag about his expensive gear and high PvP rank) only just realized none of his teammates were even on the map with him. He continued to call us noobs for doing the bonus correctly, and insulted us the rest of the time, even though we ressed his ass and dragged him through the rest of the mission.
Edit 2: WTF? One of the guys trolling the OP for abusing the game with SF has in his guild description "LF pve guild fowsc/uwsc with lotsa people." Hypocrite
agreed. Let OP come back here after pugging THK HM a few times. Then lets see OPs view.
i played way back then too. i even bought the strategy guide before there was a wiki (or at least before i knew there was a wiki). GW was, honestly, not much fun for me without heros. getting a full team was usually a pain in the ass and the prophs heros have such bad bars, it's almost as bad as having someone who's never played the game before. i say "not much fun" but that's not entirely true since i'm still playing 3.5 years later. heros do give you the option of completing a difficult mission by yourself though and not having to wait for the right profession to pop into the town or for your guildies to show up.
i'm rambling a bit because i'm tired but i'm just saying GW hasn't been much different than most console games, which i happen to enjoy also, with the advent of heros.
i'm rambling a bit because i'm tired but i'm just saying GW hasn't been much different than most console games, which i happen to enjoy also, with the advent of heros.
With 4 capaigns and the population being spread so thinly it's hard to PuG as it is anyway. H&H go where you tell them to, H&H attack what you tell them to, Heroes use the skillbar you tell them to.
Reverend Dr
Guild Wars is a single player game with the option of Co-Op.
Depends what you call day one. Henchmen weren't even planned by the E3 for everyone event.
Bob Slydell
Dang, thought this was gonna be the resurrection of GWLP..bah...see ya.
Zahr Dalsk
This is a really, really old discussion that I don't think is worth revisiting at this point.