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PC on q9 gold Hornbow...also a hello.
Lieutenant Banana
-5 energy mods on bows are not popular at all, and a hard sell. This I would salvage the 20/20 and 30hp off it, or if you have a use for it or your hero do so - the bow itself I would merch otherwise.
Lieutenant Banana
Pity, but that's more or less what I was afraid of. I've also heard that hornbows are rather unpopular for their slow firing rate.
I'll keep looking for a suitable bow for these mods...thanks.
EDIT: I actually just remembered that I've got what I think is a q9 Tactics clean inscribable Giant Conch, which I believe is somewhat valuable...am I right? (Apologies for changing the item in question abruptly, but I figured it was better than dual-posting.)
I'll keep looking for a suitable bow for these mods...thanks.
EDIT: I actually just remembered that I've got what I think is a q9 Tactics clean inscribable Giant Conch, which I believe is somewhat valuable...am I right? (Apologies for changing the item in question abruptly, but I figured it was better than dual-posting.)