Basically it had a insane amount of armor shots, you just select a profession, campaign I think, a specific armor... and you get dozens of screenshots of players with that armor. Basically it's an enormous gallery. I remember picking up that link on guru a long time ago but I don't have it anymore, guru search and google failed me. So does anyone know this website I'm talking about and could post it's link please? I could really use it now...
Also sorry if this topic doesn't fit in here, but I really didn't know where to place it. >.<
[Request] Need some help finding this website...
I always used TC Fish's Aquarium until it went down... I don't know any other fan site that has quite the multiplicty of character armors that Fish's did... I therefore second this notion!
It wasn't TC Fish's for sure, it was something else.
The Scorpion Knight
That's it exactly, thank you very much.
Gin Cometh
I think i know the site ,but alas it was linked on and that site is no more ,tried a quick search for a cached history but nothing.
Edit .There you go.
Edit .There you go.