PC Vial Of Dye (Mixed) [RARE]

King Of Halloween

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2009


Hey there! First off, I am new to the forum, so hello! This is a weird one....

Ok, so here's what I would like help with. I found a vial of mixed dye in my storage. As I am sure you know, mixed dye can no longer be made, and since the dying system has changed, replicating this color is probably damn near impossible, too. I doubt that there are many of these left in existence, so they are incredibly rare. Also, the odds of having this color are even lower. It's kind of purpleish-pink on armor. Alternatively, if an eccentric collector just wanted to buy it to have an extremely rare item, I'd be ok with that, too. What should I charge? I'm thinking a lot....



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

Pink mixed dyes overall go around 50k. and theres loads of em around..

Azure mist

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008



T depends bro. Is it green and brown and silver dyed and it looks like crap? Pics. An example of it's dying effect on say a mo zing or a bandanna




Join Date: Mar 2006

We Couldn't Figure Out A Name [LMAO]


More of these around than you think. And, as it's a single vial, there's no way to tempt the buyer with an example of its effect.

I very much doubt you'll get 'a lot' for it. And PCs on things like these are almost impossible to get accurate, they're just too odd.

King Of Halloween

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2009


Thank you for your help, everyone. I'm really surprised that these are still around!

I think that since it's a single vial, a buyer would just get it for a weapon or a stand-alone piece of armor. I'll try to sell it on the auction. I'll also get a picture of it up. Thanks again!


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