I want to run UW farming ectos and stuff. I`ve got this build:
1.deadly paradox
2.glyph of swiftness
3.shadow form (e)
4.fire attunement
5.glyph of lesser energy
6.bed of coals
7.meteor shower
8.lava font
I can change the glyph for another skill if necessary but my questions is:
What´s the best route to take when farming in the underworld?
Is this build good for farming in the underworld?
Youtube or Wiki couldn`t answer my questions so perhaps you can.
UW HM questions
mastar of warrior
Hantex Brinx
use this
to clear the chamber and kill some more but use the wall trick (ball them up while walking backwords against a well and than take a little side step so they wont break agro) do not attack aetexes with your weapon (you can degen them sure)
to clear the chamber and kill some more but use the wall trick (ball them up while walking backwords against a well and than take a little side step so they wont break agro) do not attack aetexes with your weapon (you can degen them sure)
Divine Ashes
I would personally change bed of coals and meteor shower for fire attunement and burning speed. You can clear the chamber if you like (although it's easier to just pull the grapsings and run), and then you can go and kill everything in the chaos plains and...umm...the area with all the flesh golems or w/e (bone pits?). The only problem you'd have is the run to the chaos plains themselves, but it should be easy enough with some rock candy and practice.
Question: What is the wall trick?
Thenameless Wonder
Where you ball up all of the enemies and walk backwards HUGGING a wall. Once you do this take a SMALL step AWAY from the wall and you have unbreakable aggro =D. Need to use caps to get point across.
Xx Da Best Xx
Make sure your get them to where the wall is touching the left side of their body....otherwise it doesnt really work too...
Also important to note that for some reason it only works with the wall on your right. If you try it with a wall on your left, they just break aggro as normal.
Please try searching through the farming section of campfire - there are numerous threads about Underworld farming using a SF sin.