What do you miss the most in GW?
Eragon Zarroc
GvG before automated tournaments
The sense of community when you had to play with human pugs. Sure, many of them sucked, but at least you were in it together. It's harder to make random friends when most people have heroes and henchies and turn off local channel.
Still Number One
I miss only having to wait about 5 minutes between matches, and the excitement that surrounded GvG back then.
Part of me wants to come back and start playing the game again but I know it is still just as bad as it was when I quit a year ago and it isn't going to get better.
Damn this game used to be so fun...
Part of me wants to come back and start playing the game again but I know it is still just as bad as it was when I quit a year ago and it isn't going to get better.
Damn this game used to be so fun...
Xenex Xclame
12 man Ab instead of the 3 teams of 4 it if now.
And old MM without minion cap.
And old MM without minion cap.
Being able to get into a party without being a retarded perma assassin.
Xenex Xclame
The guild thief
500 people tring to get through Thunderhead Keep "Me included" I was there for awhile figuring out a self build that would work with only the henchies provided.
Honestly the sense of accomplishment is less with heros. Heros make life too easy compaired to an untalented unfocused random group of humans or henchmen. Not saying it was not fun tring to do some of the missions it was but you had to earn it
Honestly the sense of accomplishment is less with heros. Heros make life too easy compaired to an untalented unfocused random group of humans or henchmen. Not saying it was not fun tring to do some of the missions it was but you had to earn it

Dutch Masterr
b/p sorrows furnace...good times, good times
saltspray beach and etnaran keys in ab =( (please do something about this!)
guild wars pre-heroes
urgoz's warren and the deep
saltspray beach and etnaran keys in ab =( (please do something about this!)
guild wars pre-heroes
urgoz's warren and the deep
the era known as "pre-nightfall," or more correctly, "pre heroes."
the feeling when everything was new and no one had a clue what cookie cutter was (or what to do)
pre-aoe scatter era.
the feeling when everything was new and no one had a clue what cookie cutter was (or what to do)
pre-aoe scatter era.
Ownage Ritual Lord
I miss when they didnt nerf the daylights out of a skill...

2005 Tombs....
& Seo
& Seo

4-man oro runs with old minion mastery, no aggro scattering and book trick.
Griffon farming with my wammo.
Griffon farming with my wammo.
I miss it when people played together, even for non-primary quests.
Griffon farming on my w/mo
B/P (Barrage/Pet) In Tombs
Ive never had the chance to PLAY in the UW, only sc it.
OSQL MF. Wiping them out in 2 secs with 250 minions was damn sweet
Too name but a few.
B/P (Barrage/Pet) In Tombs
Ive never had the chance to PLAY in the UW, only sc it.
OSQL MF. Wiping them out in 2 secs with 250 minions was damn sweet
Too name but a few.
Malice Black
SS before it caused them to scatter like headless chickens...good times
El Presidente
Martin Alvito
In order:
Sacred Temples.
Original Halls win mechanic. No ganking!
All metas before D, P and the OP Nightfall elites landed. (Well, maybe you can have the IWAY/bloodspike one from right before Factions was released, and the GvG one when people realized that Zealous cleared exhaustion.)
OoB Boon Prot.
Broken Tower.
Drok runs.
Sorrow's Forge.
RA before titles.
Sacred Temples.
Original Halls win mechanic. No ganking!
All metas before D, P and the OP Nightfall elites landed. (Well, maybe you can have the IWAY/bloodspike one from right before Factions was released, and the GvG one when people realized that Zealous cleared exhaustion.)
OoB Boon Prot.
Broken Tower.
Drok runs.
Sorrow's Forge.
RA before titles.
Absolute Destiny
I miss the various landscapes in Prophecies feeling NEW (Wasteland, Mountains Swamps, Jungle, Desert, Volcanic islands).
For everyone that says you don't need talent to win at this game, I recently opened a few 3rd bday presents, and I have yet to successfully:
1) Beat the first Ring of Fire mission.
2) Beat Arborstone.
3) Beat Jennur's Horde/Nundu Bay.
(don't have EoTN, or I'd have a fourth example).
It is NOT possible for a single player to just sweep through this game with no skill or strategy or knowledge.
Let's just put that particular issue to bed already.
For everyone that says you don't need talent to win at this game, I recently opened a few 3rd bday presents, and I have yet to successfully:
1) Beat the first Ring of Fire mission.
2) Beat Arborstone.
3) Beat Jennur's Horde/Nundu Bay.
(don't have EoTN, or I'd have a fourth example).
It is NOT possible for a single player to just sweep through this game with no skill or strategy or knowledge.
Let's just put that particular issue to bed already.
a fun game

Martin Alvito
The various wikis can substitute for strategy and knowledge in PvE at very low cost. Skill comes with time investment and commitment to improving.
Smart players.
I miss the old normal mode...remember when people were quitting during the release of factions because of the difficulty? Good times

Pinkest One
I miss the friends who quit playing because of the things that changed(this thread has all the examples).
No MMO(or CO-RPG) can be good without good people.
No MMO(or CO-RPG) can be good without good people.
ll Jamie ll
I miss a lagg free game. There i said it.
Absolute Destiny
Martin Alvito
You stated that it is impossible for a single player to sweep through the game without skill, strategy or knowledge. A single player needs none of these to do so. All they need is a wiki to give them a decent H/H build and a wiki to tell them the needed tactics to beat the missions.
You don't even have to be good at the game. That comes in time if you work at it, but skill is totally optional if you just want to beat the campaigns.
We live in the age of the Internet. You can stand on the shoulders of giants if you want to, and it's practically costless.
You don't even have to be good at the game. That comes in time if you work at it, but skill is totally optional if you just want to beat the campaigns.
We live in the age of the Internet. You can stand on the shoulders of giants if you want to, and it's practically costless.
My New Name
When anet actually cared about the players...
Also miss the times before heroes when you had to spam for monk for 30 mins
Also miss the times before heroes when you had to spam for monk for 30 mins
Zahr Dalsk
Divine Ashes
I REALLY miss the world championships. Watching GWWC and GWFC along with the celestial tourney was amazing.
Also, I miss Sorrow's Furnace being the greatest farming method...5 man oro anyone?
Also, I miss Sorrow's Furnace being the greatest farming method...5 man oro anyone?
I miss a fun, (mostly) lag free game. Also creative skill balances. I used to look forward to the skill balances and making a new bar from them but now its just stale.
Qing Guang
Real parties for mishes. I've been trying to get real ones where I can as I put my Mez through Proph, but usually the party is 2-3 people and some hero filler.
Also, actually playing the game! Due to a combination of school, WoW, Might & Magic VIII, and doing GW art I haven't really played in about a month. :/
Also, actually playing the game! Due to a combination of school, WoW, Might & Magic VIII, and doing GW art I haven't really played in about a month. :/
Things I miss in GW (in no particular order):
- The infamous Monk strike at Thunderhead Keep.
- Pugging with your fellow players through every mission and quest. It's rare these days.
- Good guilds.
- Guild Wars' only Rollback of a few hours.
- The close friends that used to play this game before nerfs and Hard Mode killed the fun for some of them.
- Superior Vigor and Absorption priced at 65k and 100k respectively.
- Ettin genocide.
- Khepket group farming with pugs.
- Other things that escape my thoughts right now.
- The infamous Monk strike at Thunderhead Keep.
- Pugging with your fellow players through every mission and quest. It's rare these days.
- Good guilds.
- Guild Wars' only Rollback of a few hours.
- The close friends that used to play this game before nerfs and Hard Mode killed the fun for some of them.
- Superior Vigor and Absorption priced at 65k and 100k respectively.
- Ettin genocide.
- Khepket group farming with pugs.
- Other things that escape my thoughts right now.
In no particular order...
-playing pre perma-sin
-playing pre aoe scatter
-Farming griffins with my 55 monk
-playing when nothing was inscribable and an item's attributes actually mattered
-Giving away griffin farming loot that wasn't good enough to sell but too good to merch to random players during missions... and them actually appreciating the items because it was better than what they're using.
-pre-hm doa 4-runs when titan=100k, stygian=20k, torment=20k, margonite=30k ea.
-selling Rajazan's Ferver for 100k/ea several times a day.
-discovering new areas and feeling like I was in a dangerous place once I got there.
-playing with players for missions and quests.
Many of the topics previously mentioned I also miss. I think I only play GW these days because of all the time I've already got invested into it. Hopefully, GW2 won't make that all for naught.
-playing pre perma-sin
-playing pre aoe scatter
-Farming griffins with my 55 monk
-playing when nothing was inscribable and an item's attributes actually mattered
-Giving away griffin farming loot that wasn't good enough to sell but too good to merch to random players during missions... and them actually appreciating the items because it was better than what they're using.
-pre-hm doa 4-runs when titan=100k, stygian=20k, torment=20k, margonite=30k ea.
-selling Rajazan's Ferver for 100k/ea several times a day.
-discovering new areas and feeling like I was in a dangerous place once I got there.
-playing with players for missions and quests.
Many of the topics previously mentioned I also miss. I think I only play GW these days because of all the time I've already got invested into it. Hopefully, GW2 won't make that all for naught.
Karate Jesus
Content Updates
Skill Balances
Promises from devs that actually came true and weren't always "delayed"
The XTH (so I had a reason to care about the mATs)
Actual communication with the CMs (miss you Gaile) rather than the bullshit we get from Regina
Guilds actually lasting more than 1 week
Alliances not dissolving
People not constantly pissed off at ANet (not that I blame them. I'm just tired of caring)
Skill Balances
Promises from devs that actually came true and weren't always "delayed"
The XTH (so I had a reason to care about the mATs)
Actual communication with the CMs (miss you Gaile) rather than the bullshit we get from Regina
Guilds actually lasting more than 1 week
Alliances not dissolving
People not constantly pissed off at ANet (not that I blame them. I'm just tired of caring)
Erik Fox
My old guild
Playing nightly for a few months in HA and getting decent returns for our rank
Repeating a mission because we just... barely... had it! (it was frustrating but fun)
All night ventrilo sessions while inebriated... both in my old guild and HA guild
Playing nightly for a few months in HA and getting decent returns for our rank
Repeating a mission because we just... barely... had it! (it was frustrating but fun)
All night ventrilo sessions while inebriated... both in my old guild and HA guild
Ġ ō Đ??
i miss VwK farming smites on my warrior and the excitement of earning an ecto and then going and selling them to the rare mat trader haha
good times...
also miss the hunt for the new weapons when they came out
everyone farming and trying to guess wat dungeon/area they came from.

also miss the hunt for the new weapons when they came out

own age myname
Dusk Banewalker
I miss Boonprot Meta(most balanced meta period.)
I miss when I thought more chapters would mean more challenging content(factions almost did that. NF Even closer. DOA isnt a challenge...its grind.) |
ONTOPIC: Pugging.