a few gold items please

Meracle Chamlotte

Meracle Chamlotte

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009



As this list is long (and I apologise), Just try to value the stuff worth something (over 5k). If its actually worthless (under 2k) just point it out.

If something I wrote is confusing to you, let me know, I was never down with the shortcut meanings

Thanks a LOT if you can help me out.

r9 Hale Divine Staff of Defense - H+30, A+5

r9 Writhing Focus of Devotion - H+43, A+9(v.Sd)

r10 Fiery Bronze Crusher of Fortitude - H+29, 14%(stance)

r11 Icy Stone Crusher of Hammer Mastery - +1^19, D+15%, E-5

r10 Icy Ruby Maul of Deathbane - 19%(v.U)

r13 Furious Supreme Bludgeoner - x2Adren(10%), E+5

r12 Heavy Foehammer of Fortitude - lwd33%, H+30, 19^-50

r13 Great Axe of Fortitude - H+30, 15%(hexed)

r9 Great Axe of Axe Mastery - +1^19, +15^-50

r13 Pyroclastic Axe - +15(Stance)

r10 Sephis Axe of Shelter - A+7(phys), HS

r10 Barbed Dwarven Axe of Enchanting - LBd33%, Enchants 20% longer, +19^-50

r9 Scarabshell Aegis of Fortitude - H+28, A+9(pierce)

r11 Reinforced Defender of Devotion - H+43, PhysDam-3(while hexed)

r10 Heraldic Shield of Fortitude - H+27, RDW20%

r12 Iridescent Aegis of Endurance - H+43(stance), A+10(pierce)

r12 Iridescent Aegis of Endurance - H+45(stance), PhysDam-2(stance)

r11 Iridescent Aegis of Fortitude - H+29, +1^19

r11 Spiked Targe - HS

r13 Celestial Shield - A+9(pierce)

r13 Woven Shield of Valor - H+58(hexed), A+9(earth)

r11 Kappa Shield of Devotion - H+43(ench), A+10(cold)

r10 Guardian of the Hunt - HS

r11 Guardian of the Hunt of Fortitude - H+27, +1^20

r9 Barbed Spatha of Warding - LBd33%, A+7(elem), HalfRech^10

r12 Crippling Igneous Blade of Enchanting - LCd33%, Ench+19%, 15^+50

r9 Vampiric Dadao Sword of Swordsmanship - LS4, HReg-1, +1^19, E+5

r13 Barbed Wicked Blade - LBd33%, ISV

r13 Icy Flamberge of Defense - A+5, 14^+50

r11 Bleached Skull of Valor - H+59(hexed), A+9(pierce)

r13 Swift Soul Spire of Deathbane - HalfTime(9%), E+7(-50%), +19%(v.U)

r11 Hale Evil Eye Staff of Deathbane - HS, +19%(v.U)

r11 Idol of Aptitude - HalfCTime^19, ReduceDisease20%

r13 Truncheon - 15%(stance)

r11 Defensive Wailing Staff of Curses - A+5, +1^19, E+5(ench)

r12 Cyclopian Wand of Memory - HalfRech^19, +14%(ench)

r13 Boneclaw Staff - +15%(hexed foes)

r9 Cane of quickening - HalfRech(10%), +15%(ench)

r10 Platinum Wand of Memory - HalfRech(19%), HalfTime(19%)

r12 Arcane Staff of Mastery - +1^19, E+14, EnReg-1

r10 Channeling Rod - +14%(hexed foes)

r9 Harmonic Rod of Memory HalfRech(19%), +15%^+50

r12 Spawning Wand of Quickening - HalfRech(10%), +19%(hexed)

r13 Ebon Aureate Daggers of Dagger Mastery - +1^19, +14%(hexed foes)

r13 Heavy Solemn Spear of Enchanting - LWd33%, Ench+19%, HalfRech(10%)

r9 Sundering Duskblade Scythe of Defense - ArPen20^19, A+5, ISV

r12 Vampiric Ancient Scythe - LS4, HRegen-1, ISV

- Meracle




Join Date: Mar 2007

SMS (lolgw2placeholder)


Mod bump because this thread didn't get approved quick enough.

Sorry OP.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

Europe - H

Private Army of Ascalon [ARMY]


all prices goes for inscribable weapons:

r9 Hale Divine Staff of Defense - H+30, A+5 ~5k
r9 Writhing Focus of Devotion - H+43, A+9(v.Sd) ~3k
r10 Fiery Bronze Crusher of Fortitude - H+29, 14%(stance) merch
r11 Icy Stone Crusher of Hammer Mastery - +1^19, D+15%, E-5 salvage/merch
r10 Icy Ruby Maul of Deathbane - 19%(v.U) salvage for ruby
r13 Furious Supreme Bludgeoner - x2Adren(10%), E+5 I'd salvage and merch, but get other PC-s
r12 Heavy Foehammer of Fortitude - lwd33%, H+30, 19^-50 salvage/merch
r13 Great Axe of Fortitude - H+30, 15%(hexed) salvage/merch
r9 Great Axe of Axe Mastery - +1^19, +15^-50 ~3k
r13 Pyroclastic Axe - +15(Stance) IDK - get other PC-s
r10 Sephis Axe of Shelter - A+7(phys), HS merch
r10 Barbed Dwarven Axe of Enchanting - LBd33%, Enchants 20% longer, +19^-50 ~15k, but take other PC-s
r9 Scarabshell Aegis of Fortitude - H+28, A+9(pierce) Interested in buying it, if command attribute, so won't PC
r11 Reinforced Defender of Devotion - H+43, PhysDam-3(while hexed) merch
r10 Heraldic Shield of Fortitude - H+27, RDW20% merch
r12 Iridescent Aegis of Endurance - H+43(stance), A+10(pierce) salvage mods, than salvage for gems
r12 Iridescent Aegis of Endurance - H+45(stance), PhysDam-2(stance) salvage mods, than salvage for gems
r11 Iridescent Aegis of Fortitude - H+29, +1^19 salvage for gems
r11 Spiked Targe - HS merch
r13 Celestial Shield - A+9(pierce) merch
r13 Woven Shield of Valor - H+58(hexed), A+9(earth) merch
r11 Kappa Shield of Devotion - H+43(ench), A+10(cold) IDK - get other PC-s
r10 Guardian of the Hunt - HS ~10-15k
r11 Guardian of the Hunt of Fortitude - H+27, +1^20 ~5-10k
r9 Barbed Spatha of Warding - LBd33%, A+7(elem), HalfRech^10 ~3k
r12 Crippling Igneous Blade of Enchanting - LCd33%, Ench+19%, 15^+50 salvage and merch
r9 Vampiric Dadao Sword of Swordsmanship - LS4, HReg-1, +1^19, E+5 IDK - get other PC-s
r13 Barbed Wicked Blade - LBd33%, ISV merch
r13 Icy Flamberge of Defense - A+5, 14^+50 merch
r11 Bleached Skull of Valor - H+59(hexed), A+9(pierce) merch
r13 Swift Soul Spire of Deathbane - HalfTime(9%), E+7(-50%), +19%(v.U) merch
r11 Hale Evil Eye Staff of Deathbane - HS, +19%(v.U) merch
r11 Idol of Aptitude - HalfCTime^19, ReduceDisease20% merch
r13 Truncheon - 15%(stance) salvage/merch
r11 Defensive Wailing Staff of Curses - A+5, +1^19, E+5(ench) merch
r12 Cyclopian Wand of Memory - HalfRech^19, +14%(ench) merch
r13 Boneclaw Staff - +15%(hexed foes) merch
r9 Cane of quickening - HalfRech(10%), +15%(ench) ~2-3k max
r10 Platinum Wand of Memory - HalfRech(19%), HalfTime(19%) IDK - get other PC-s
r12 Arcane Staff of Mastery - +1^19, E+14, EnReg-1 merch
r10 Channeling Rod - +14%(hexed foes) merch
r9 Harmonic Rod of Memory HalfRech(19%), +15%^+50 salvage, wand:~3k
r12 Spawning Wand of Quickening - HalfRech(10%), +19%(hexed) merch
r13 Ebon Aureate Daggers of Dagger Mastery - +1^19, +14%(hexed foes) merch
r13 Heavy Solemn Spear of Enchanting - LWd33%, Ench+19%, HalfRech(10%) merch
r9 Sundering Duskblade Scythe of Defense - ArPen20^19, A+5, ISV ~5k
r12 Vampiric Ancient Scythe - LS4, HRegen-1, ISV merch